vihtavuori N150, 7mm08


Dec 19, 2010
Hey all, don't have any info on this powder but have 2 and a half pounds of the stuff. Using 150 BTs with 42 grains of the stuff. Never set the chrony up on it yet so no idea what it's doing. Shoots pretty good though. Anyone have any loads worked up they can pass along? My rifle doesn't like bullets lighter than 150s regardless of the powders.
kendog -

Welcome to the forum.
Viht is some great powder and from my experiences, shoots very clean. I've never tried any of the N-150, but have used N-140 , N-165 & N-560 all with good results.

You might try and hit Viht's Site - you can download their manual. All the info I'm seeing, you might be running on the hot side - The last Sierra manual I have maxes out at 40.8 for their 150 grainers.

I have yet to find much sub-par out of mine - I'm switching scopes around and going with this load.


Let us know what you end up with......
Yeah thanks, the signs pointed towards a max load but nothing too serious. Need to get the chrony out I guess.