

Jul 27, 2011
As astigmatism has crept in through the years, I've tried to keep up with it using the adjustible eyepiece of each scope. I wear glasses for driving, but the glasses don't help at all (in fact hurt) when looking through a scope.

What do y'all do to get clean-crisp crosshairs? Thanks, BT
I have astigmatism also and it has gotten worse as I get older. I adjust the eyepiece of the scope to be sharp when wearing my corrective lenses with the field lens, not the bifocal lens. I have gotten used to shooting with my glasses on and have no trouble now after 50 years of wearing the lenses.
This may not be for everyone; at age 76, I had catarac surgery, replacing both eye-lenses. I have 20:20 in both eyes now, but still use reading glasses for close-up viewing/reading. My shooting-glasses now have bifocal lenses, with no correction for long-distance use. Couldn't have done it without private Ins.

For safety's sake, we should wear our shooting glasses when enjoying the shooting sports.
Kodiak, My eyes are the same as yours, at least as far as the double cataract surgery goes. I am 69 years old and have had the surgery about three years ago which brought me back to 20/20 and 20/30. I still need reading glasses as you do. My eyes have slipped to 20/50 now but it is from the astigmatism.

I always wore shooting glasses anyhow and have blown two primers in my life, one my fault. The glasses saved me both times. I am so used to shooting with glasses that I do not give it a thought now.