Vortex Viper HD 20-60x80 spotting scope


May 15, 2009
Just ordered one of these in the angled version. I've been shopping around for awhile now for a new spotter and found one of these as an open box special for several hundred off that I couldn't pass up. Should arrive this weekend, I'll post a review of it when I get it in hand. Anyone here ever had their hands on one? Wasn't very many reviews out there that I could find, but my google fu has been off a bit lately.
Sounds as if you found a real bargain. Your review will be welcomed.
Yeah, there are a ton of folks looking for a review of that scope.. Can't beat a great spotter!
If you read through this whole thread (skimming will expedite):


you'll find some first-hand info on the Vortex in which you're interested. The fellow doing the reviewing is one I trust completely. It will, however, come down to how the scope fits your eye. I'm trying to get up to Chattanooga (2hrs away) for a look at the Vortex and the Pentax if they have them in stock. Regardless, this will at least give you some insight on the Vortex products from a reliable source.
I've been thinking about that same spotter... we will have to get together and compare toys one of these days. With my looming unemployment, I should have lots of time!
Dang it....the tracking said it should be delivered tomorrow, went to the fair today and came home to a missed delivery note on the door. Leaving town tomorrow early, but hopefully I can go pick it up tonight from the post office right before they close. Headed over to eastern Oregon so it would be a good opportunity to test it out in the wide open spaces.

BK, let me know if you want to get together and go play with some toys. I'm off work until August 13th. After that life gets a bit crazy for awhile.
Was able to pick up the scope tonight. I'll give a full report on Monday after I get back from eastern Oregon but initial impression is its pretty damn awesome!
Sweet. Sounds like a good scope from all reports so far. Another member on here has one as well. I am thinking it is probably one of the best you can get for the money..
shoots_5":1epkh559 said:
Especially if you only paid $710 for it..... :mrgreen:

Without a doubt! That is a great price for that kinda scope.. Good grab!
I actually got it on eBay. Cameraland in new york had it on there as an open box item that someone bought, opened, and decided they wanted the straight vs angled scope so they returned it. Not a mark on it that I could find. And if you're interested, I think he has more that have been returned....just saw one listed for 699.99 1 day left. FYI, I bid on one just like that at the last second and lost, but he offered me a second chance on one for the price I bid as a buy it now, oh and free shipping!
That is a great buy. Congratulations. Now, to see what happens when you give it a thorough look-see.