Washington state....


Apr 6, 2009
Guy's recent black bear post really got me thinking... I'm pretty sure Washington state is the most under-rated state for big game hunting in the entire US.

Nice bears by the way Guy, gotta love those WA chocolate bears.... great hunt with your son... just awesome.

There's a lot of color phase bears in Washington... one of the reasons it's my favorite state to hunt big game. Three kinds of deer... two kinds of elk... sheep... moose... goats... bears... cats... coyotes galore...

Tags are reasonably priced and easy to come by (multiple bear/cat tags), and bear season opens August 1st on the west side. You can hunt hunt blacktails in the jungle, muleys in the high country, or rutting whitetails on the Palouse. Chasing bears in the alpine blueberries... wearing short sleeved shirts and shades... is a blast. And, there is tons of land access available to the public on unused logging roads... provided your method of transportation doesn't involve internal combustion.

Best of all... WA has one of the coolest over the counter hunts available anywhere... the high-country wilderness mule deer (and bear) rifle season that runs from Sept. 15th-25th every year. Great weather... rugged beautiful wilderness... muleys in velvet. It's a very cool hunt that a non-resident can buy a $250 tag.... spend another $200 on some boots (or $750) for a drop-camp hunt)... and your in the game. Tough hunt... fairly low odds... but one just about anyone in the west can pull off for under a grand.

Throw in salmon/steelhead.... and it's a no brainer.

Washington... a poor man's Alaska!



PS... DrMike, we all know BC is just more of a good WA thing...
Well, I could live in Washington and never simper. I kept a postal box in Custer for years and made regular trips down to the tri-cities area, just because it was such a great break to touch base with the USA again. Before it became a no-no, I bought a ton of reloading supplies at Kesselrings in Alger. Yeah, WA is a hunter's (and fisherman's) paradise.
Dr. Mike if you ever make it back to the Tri Cities get a hold of me. I live 45 minutes away, would love to meet you for lunch or somehting.

Headed there today with the wife and kid. Going to look at a few excavators, then hit up the old sportsmans warehouse for some supplies. Going to pick up some more Big Game, some Mag Pro, and some .338 225 SST.

My brother in-law keeps trying to get me to hunt washington with him. Maybe I need to take him up on it.
Over near Hermiston and Umatilla? I may have been through there, or mighty close, once or twice. Good country, for sure.
SONGDOG! Shhhhhhhhhhh! You're not supposed to reveal the secret! :grin:

It is pretty good here for hunting, fishing and generally roaming the great outdoors, but...

Lots of people, hunters and non-hunters, afield during the seasons. Very liberal politics. Some apparently strange hunting and fishing regulations. Increasing tensions between tribal hunters and non-tribal hunters.

There are some problems here, but yes, in general I really like living & working here.

Regards, Guy
Actually, I'm a fan of the whole Pacific Northwest, including British Columbia, Alaska, Idaho, western Montana, Oregon and northern California. I'll throw in a few Washington photos for the heck of it:










Now that's just mean for those folks living east of the Great Divide. I'll bet you enjoyed posting those pictures, Guy. :mrgreen:
Guy... it doesn't matter what I say... if it ain't in a gun rag, it isn't true...

The tribal thing is garbage...

Few more....

Baker looming large...



Great now everyone is going to come here to hunt. Dr. Mike what brought you to the Tri-Cities? I live there now, I would not mind meeting you for lunch as well, it would be nice to meet you.


My wife had an aunt that lived there. She died a couple of years ago. I believe my wife still has a few cousins living in the area. Also, I attended a few church conferences there in the early 80s. That is a long drive now. However, you can never tell when I may just make the drive down to do a little fishing for Shad on the Columbia. I always intended to get down in May/June for the Shad run, but never did it. I did fish several streams in Oregon in years past, however. I took a very nice Steelhead on the Santiam one year.
That sounds like fun. I've lived here 14 years now and have not done that. I have a boat now and have no excuses either, guess I need to work on that now.


You're missing a sure thing on failing to fish the local streams in Washington and Oregon. Of course, I don't know how much things have changed since the early nineties when I last fished down that way.
It is trememdous country I saw 80 or so elk yesterday on a drive around the country side. Wish I could find them during elk season.

Washington has the most elk "hunters" per elk of any of the western states, it does lower the quality of the hunting. In addition their non resident fees are very high. We have some special hunts with over 1,000 applications per tag. Last year we had 37 special hunts with only 1 tag issued, there were about 9,000 applicants for those 37 tags. Hunters are every where !
I have lived here most of my life and it does get a little crowded once in a while but its still not to bad





Depending where you are at it is lilke being in a pumpkin patch on opening morning. But last year I was up some steep stuff and had the mountain to myself which I think helped with my success. However I switched to muzzle loader for deer due to the amount of hunters out and about, and how reckless some can be. I'm sure no one else has that issue.

I know I am looking to retire in Washington or some state in the Pac Northwest when the Marine Corps is done with me. I love it up there. Any good excuse for me to be in Idaho or that area is reason enough for me to drive or hop on a plane! Great pictures guys and Guy!

Till that time, my kids and I will have to continue slaying swamp deer in Va! Scotty


