What are your best coyote tricks?


Jan 25, 2008
I haven't done much coyote hunting, and most has just been early morning spot and shoot. A friend of a friend has a small spread (about a quarter section) that needs some help thinning a few yotes. They's been eating fluffy and fi-fi, and they would like to see them thinned a little before they start lambing and fouling.

I know there are some real coyote hunters here. What are your best tricks?
feather on an arrow with a calling works well. if you have a pet rabbits use it for bait. a deer hide on a fence wire can work too.
So tell me, str8meat, does your daughter approve of using her pet for coyote bait? Sorry, this really creates some fantastic images in my mind. No doubt it will work, but you need to make certain you don't miss.
One thing I have found when calling in open country is finding a good hiding spot with a favorable wind and not moving. Half of the dogs I have called in have been in a Carheart coat and jeans. Good camo is nice but if you hold really still and pick a good spot to start with you won't have any trouble.

The most important thing I have learned is DON'T MISS! Yotes are pretty smart and doesn't take to many times before you have some dogs that are very hard to call.
first i dont have a daughter, secondly if you put a tame rabbit out in a feild in a live trap or just tied up it looks pretty darn good, its not like fatal attraction where she boils the bunny

I'll definitely be buying a rabbit. I never thought of this, but I have no doubt that it will work. Again, it is just funny to think of. Simplicity always works.
I got one to sit until I was able to close the distance on him. He kept barking at me until I pulled the trigger.
No need to buy and feed a rabbit...check out the MOJO electronic decoy. It works well in combination with the fox pro jack rabbit distress. Called 3 in one stand, back in January. 2 days later (while I was at work) my buddy called 6 from the same spot, 5 hung up at about 300 yds but the female came running right in to the call/decoy full speed leaving the pack behind. Went out 2 mondays ago and nothing....all part of coyote hunting.

A_S, just bait some more with shot up prairie dogs and the ring of your 22-250...that was cool!
Yes it was! Considering how much we were shooting, it's a good thing he was a stupid pup!

Glad to hear about your luck, sounds like that Foxpro is better then that cheapie call I have.
Honestly, I think anything that sounds like it's getting its head ripped off and scared out of its mind will work...be it a fox pro, johnny stewart, hand call or whatever. Volume and wind are obstacles in my experience.
Sit still is the key....Coyotes vision is fine tuned to pick up on movement.

Get yourself a couple of mouth calls and make them sound like a crying baby. Your first call on a set-up should be, somewhat, low volume. Call for about a minute or two and sit and wait for 3-5 minutes. If nothing, call again, a little louder for a couple of minutes. Wait again 3-5 minutes. If nothing shows, really pour the gravy over that call...loud, desperate...picture a rabbit getting torn apart and what it would sound like. Use your hand over the opening in the call to back up the pressure in the call and make it scream. Wait another few minutes and try it all over again. After about 30 minutes, I'll give up on the spot.

This is how I've called 90% of the coyotes I've had come in. I also bought a cheap electronic caller for like $40.00 and it actually works really good. It has 5 different sounds and a remote. The easiest way to do it would be to spend the large chunk of money on the really good e-callers. But calling them in with a mouth call is much more satisfying.

Also, once you see a coyote (say within 200 yards) and he is commited to the call. Stay off the call and make kissing sounds and they will usually work on in.

I am much more happy when I call a coyote into 20 yards than calling them into 200 yards.

The sound would certainly be authentic! Just like the live bunny would be authentic. I'm weighing this. It is against the law to bait in BC, but I suppose I could take my pet bunny for a walk in the sunshine...
A good LR rifle!!!

Few other things that are good to have or know is, a good E-caller set aways from you, fox pro is nice with the JIB decoy, proper camo, sun at your back, wind in your face, sitting very still and quiet for 30 minutes.

Try real hard not to miss the coyotes that actually do come in, because chances are, that same coyote isn't going to come in so easily next time, especially to the same call. This is where the LR rifle part comes in handy. I love it when they hang out there 300-500 yards sitting on there butt thinking there safe.
I don't normally like to post negative thoughts but come on a few of you!!!! A pet rabbitt or a dog with a pliers on it ears? Both are big waste of time and could find you in trouble with the law and giving hunting yet another black eye! Why anyone would make such post is beyond me?

I have called in my share of coyotes through the years and the majority of that come durring a fur season are called with 80% of the time with a distress sound. The make up of most coyote populations in the fall/early winter are 60% young of the year coyotes those that don't have alot of negatives with calling. rabbitt or bird distress of some sort will call in the majority! You don't need to be tying things up as you can hide yourself with a mouth call or hide the ecall and make the coyote hunt for it, the main thing is most will circle downwind nit just trusting their eye's and hearing but want to confirm with the nose! That is where you need to be or setup looking that way. If you feel the need get a e decoy and buy some rabbitt urine to spray around your setup to help authenticate it all, motion can be good but not needed in many cases cover to high for a decoy or you may have to exspose yourself to setup a decoy. Many coyotes will work into cover as they aren't used to seeing a rabbitt in cover from 400 yards, so many will work in just fine.

The trick to calling is knowing where the coyotes are and having coyotes in hearing distance, that is what will up your stand% versus more cold calling unless you have real good coyote densitys. Also rem 25-06 makes another good point as calling gets more popular you have more of those adults later in the winter that like to stand off more and survey, this is where shooting at 300-500 yards helps you with coyote calling as he stated the butt sitters now become within your range and practice makes many of these safe sitters dead coyotes.

A coyote will never shy from the sound of a hurt rabbitt or bird or how would they eat? They will be more cautious and repition can cause them to hang up, but just a tone change from one rabbitt sound to another often times is enough to bring that coyote back in a few days or a week later. Keep your profile low and hide your vehicle and keep all shine down to a minimum, rifle ,scope etc. On a sunny day and scope reflection or the nice shiny SS rifle shines like a beacon and will turn those coyotes in no time flat, get as low as you can and watch the down wind side and call where you know there are coyotes those are the so called tricks for alot of coyotes, but by all means leave the pets at home and no injuring things to many good e callers sounds to need to worry about such foolery.

Denning season a total different time of the year and different sounds and a few tatics make them dead in a hurry! Good day!
A piece of plastic PVC pipe with a piece of thin plastic strip mounted across the middle and it creates a howl like the dominate male and you blow it excitedly for a while and here come the coyotes. Got 52 in a year and a half. Reason why, the coyote is very possessive and protective of it's hunting area and they will come to run another strange male or coyotes off or kill them. Worked for us in the Delta of Mississipp before all the fancy calls and decoys came out. I still do it that way.
coyotetrapper":13ki00lu said:
I don't normally like to post negative thoughts but come on a few of you!!!! A pet rabbitt or a dog with a pliers on it ears? Both are big waste of time and could find you in trouble with the law and giving hunting yet another black eye! Why anyone would make such post is beyond me?

I have to agree, pinching your pet's ears till it yelps is nothing more than cruelty to that animal. Even if you were just joking around, I do not find it even remotely close to being funny. :evil:
I was going to avoid comment but I would have to agree it is cruel to punish any animal that has trusted you to take care of it and is not a wild animal for you to use such measures for your own enjoyment and entertainment. I sure hope that did not happen and that guy did not do that and if he was joking, he was truly wrong. Anyone who would hurt a pet for their own desires or goals has sociopath tendencies or is borderline psychopathic or actually is one. That might sound hard but I am not in the mood to be politically correct in my comments and soften the facts to protect feelings and avoid taking ownership. We just don't need this kind of conversation on the forum.
I use a FoxPro e caller with a remote. I always set up down wind and if possible, a set up where the coyote will cross in front of you as he get down wind of the call. Very effective.

I used the Gray Fox Pup Distress sound a couple weeks back to take my first coyote this season.

Thanks for all the great idea's. I took the puppy comments as humor, I'm confidnet the folks on this forum would only hunt in a manner consistant with the highest ethical standards.

Other then the bottled urine, how do coyotes react to scents? Does having some rancid chicken, or bacon or a dead jack rabbit with the call help or hurt?