What are your favorite handguns to shoot?


May 19, 2007
I just started shooting my own handguns this year, finally took the time and effort to get a permit. The BS aside, they are alot of fun to shoot. Here in Canada there is alot of red tape, but it was worth it. I am not very accurate yet, bout 12-16 inch groups at 25 yards with a 44 Ruger SBH. My wife's Para 16-40 isn't much better. We bought a Para LTC 9mm as well that hasn't been out to the range yet......... And that is it.

Para P16-40
Para LTC 1911
Ruger Super Blackhawk 44 7.5" barrel(blued).

Good to hear that Canada will allow handguns now. I assume that the 40 and 45 are for CCW use.

I love shooting my Kimber Tactical Pro II 45 ACP. This gun is more accurate than I am, 10 yds off a rest put 7 rounds into one ragged hole! W/O a rest, my groups are 2-3" if I do my part. Rapid fire is about 6".

Put a 2x scope on your SBH and watch your groups shrink. I put a Leupold M8 2x on my S&W 629 Classic and shot a ragged hole at 50 yds off the bench with the 250 gr PT.


No CCW in Canada. Handguns are pretty much restricted to target shooting, with the exception of those permitted open carry because of job demands, such as timber cruising and/or geological exploration. Most doing those jobs prefer other defence than a handgun, however. However, there are a growing number of "target" shooters. Consequently, for all practical purposes there is no right of self-defence in Canada; and assuredly, there is no right to use a firearm in self-defence. The only time self-defence is permitted is when we witness jury nullification of the crown's case. Welcome to the brave new world of government protection!
Yeah, the "defence" topic, a 2 hour rural response time will give ample to clean up the crime scene before LE arrives(if you are the criminal). There was an Alberta farmer that gave a thief stealing his quad a (rear)cheek full of #8 and faced criminal charges.

I believe that CCW permits and capital punishment would really reduce the statistics, but can't see it happening. The general public is so concerned about the possibility of executeing an innocent person that the victims who are for the most part not deserving the same fate get forgotten.

As the saying goes, ".45 ACP, because when seconds count, the police are minutes away," except in Canada where the response time can be measured in hours.
1911, when seconds count, no kidding. That LTC is in 9mm, but it will empty a 9 round mag very quickly and doesn't jam. The 40 isn't quite as reliable being a double stack and shooting mostly cast bullets. I cleaned it up good and oiled the rails and only tried 2 mags after, but it didn't skip then. I think the round count is around 300 before i got it and I ran 150 thro it. If that was the first cleaning it goes without saying why it was jamming. New and not even broken in yet.

When I get some groups I'll admit to shooting I'll post pictures :grin: of the guns and targets.

My bad. I thought Canada was allowing CCW.

I thought Canada was allowing CCW.

Don't we wish! Welcome to the socialist paradise. Americans can look northward to see the destination that the present administration intends after the social engineering is complete. Hopefully, it won't pass the station.
My all-time favorite handgun to shoot is my .22 Ruger Semi-Auto. Puts a smile on my face time after time. It's inexpensive, accurate and reliable. Great combination!

After that? Well, heck, I like all my handguns from the .38 snubbie to the .500 S&W. They're all fun. Likely enjoy shooting my .45 1911 the most, closely followed by the .44 mag S&W 629.
All of em..... :grin:

But if I had to choose one, it would be my MKII Govt Comp, then my XDSC.....

If I could afford one a 44mag. But really dont need one. 12 ga for two legged vermin for me, if that were needed. So favorite too shoot is my single six. Cheap, fun, and the best trigger I own. CL
I only own two a Ruger blackhawk 45 Colt and Ruger mark II both are fun but the .22 is alot cheaper and quiter so that makes it my favorite to shot but my 45 is what I take for hikes in the woods.
My old model Ruger Super Blackhawk in .44. (1962 manufacture, what a trigger) My Kimber .45 Pro carry and last but not least my competitor arms 30.06 pistol with a Burris 2-7. Boy does the competitor get attention when the trigger is pulled.
My Favorite pistols to shoot are my Colt officers 1911 and my Colt government 1911 45 acp ,3rd would be my Ruger Vaquero 45 long colt , 4th would be my 44 mag Taurus