I looked at a used Kimber Montana in .270 win. today and the bore appeared black in color. The store owner said it was like that when it came in. He used some bore-cleaners with no change. Oh, its a stainless barrel.
Sounds as though somebody was shooting graphite coated bullets? Graphite will stay in a bore for awhile and the usual copper solvents do nothing to it at all to remove it. I wonder also if it could be Winchester Lubalox coating in the bore which acts like graphite but is a nickel compound. Lubalox, if that is what it is, should come right out with a solvent and a bore brush though.
I've shot some of the Lubalox bullets and the coating took forever to get out of the bore. Mine didn't make the bore look dark but it took ages to get clean a clean patch out of it.
I'm with Mike on this one. I'd wager some Barnes or Sweets or other ammonia based cleaner spent some time in that barrel. It could be permanently stained, but you might get lucky and polish it out with some JB's Bore Paste (or Break-Free/USP/Flitz - any non-embedding compound).
Although it could be from graphite or moly coated bullets, but again, the solution is bore paste and a lot of elbow grease.
I'd wager we're going to see more of this in the future as the mono metal projectiles become more popular.
I'd tried some Barnes in my rifle and they copper fouled the barrel so badly that accuracy dropped off after a dozen rounds. Not the end of the world for a hunting bullet but if folks shot them in any significant number I'd imagine you could leave a mess in a barrel that would take some real strong solvent and a lot of elbow grease to remove.
If the rifle has a good price, I'd take a chance on it. It probably will shoot ok regardless if you get the bore bright or not. Montanas make a good rough country gun- especially one you picked up cheap!