What do you all think? thinking about a new rem 700 in a 260


Mar 10, 2010
But in order to get one I would have to sell my limited run ruger hawkeye all weather in a 260 rem. Do you think anyone would want it, or should just keep it and bag the 700 idea. The 700s fit me like a glove and I love the idea of a 24" pipe. thanks
Both are fine rifles. For the cognoscenti, the Hawkeye should sell quickly. I would think that finding a Model 700 in .260 could be a challenge at the present time.
That's always the million dollar question. It's up to you in the end. If you really like the. 700 then go ahead.
Do you like the Ruger? Could have a super-duper 24" Krieger barrel installed and shoot itty-bitty groups...
Guy makes an excellent point. Your Ruger would tend to shoot bug-holes should a new barrel be screwed on. However, my Ruger Hawkeye (26 inch barrel) doesn't do badly as is from the factory.
That's a tough one, the new 1 in 8 twist 260's are going to be very nice but the Hawkeye is good too. Glad I don't have to decide :)