what do you do with your game meat?


May 18, 2009
Hi fellas, as for me, I give about 75% of any game meat to family, friends and people that don't have a chance to hunt..Makes me proud, and puts a smile on my face :grin: ...it's been like that for the last 33yrs..I just keep a few eats for myself..I like to share my harvest with friends and close one's, it well never change, god bless, and have a great season to all!...Lou :)
I supply meat to a number of families that appreciate the help and appreciate the game. I take pride in hearing how excellent the meat was, and how it didn't taste "gamey."
:grin: Yes, nothing makes me happier than putting food on the table wild game or not, for family's and close friends.it's all about charing, and having a good time, that's what hunting is all about :grin: ..Man, I love this foroum, lots of great people and knowledge here for sure..Lou :)
I usually give at least a 1/2 of a elk away every year to some elderly friends of the family. I usually get at least one elk a year.
I am friends with a couple of older "retired" hunters who dont get out any more. They get a lot of venison and ducks. I work with a guy that absolutely loves geese. He puts in his order every year!
Family and friends. I also exchange for elk or deer, Salmon and Stealhead. I am not a fisherman but know several who are. My goal is to get it into others hands "BEFORE" its cut and wrapped.
I have a friend who smokes it for me and keeps half.
I will cook it up at parties for friends and family.
We have a 6 deer limit in the zone I hunt 1 buck and 5 antlerless, I have a couple older neighbors that don't get out anymore that I fill tags for and a couple friends that don't hunt but like deer meat.

It's great for me because I get to spend that much more time in the field! :)
There is a hunters for the hungry program here in NE that I participate it. Last year I gave to a single mother with three boys struggling to make ends meet. She was very very appreciative.
We used to eat 3 deer a year but as the family has thinned out we only need 1-2 deer per year. I find myself bringing more to work for promotion/retirement/deployment cookouts.

Most of my extended family doesn't care for the non-loin/backstrap meat.
Being the Needs Coordinator for a large church I have been able to provide a number of families with meat.
I know that it is very much appreciated:)!!

Dan, aren't you hunting now? Come on, fellow, there are elk and moose to shoot.
Well, being elderly I tend to eat a lot of mine :roll: But my kids and grand kids love to visit and take home some of what ever I have (antelope, deer, elk, pheasant, sharptails, quail, chuckar, squirrel, rabbit, etc.) I also usually have a party in August to help clean out the freezer. No one ever turns down my lady's cooking :)

We always give canned or dry staples to the local food banks. That's what they ask for.