What is your dream Hunt?

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
As hunters we all harbor dreams of hunting some special or super exotic game animal someday. It might be one of the big five or a big canadian whitetail or griz. If you're from the west like me it might be a moose or from the east it might be an elk. We've all had years of reading the aluring stories of the great outdoor writers of our day. Where do your dreams take you?? :?

Usually they take me to Africa, but it seems like the last trip is just prolog to the next!

There's an African hunt where you can shoot something like 11 species different Antelope. That sounds like a lot of fun :grin:
+1 With JD except I have two different categories....
Archery Yukon Moose or

Dalls in AK ( rifle of course ) :grin:
Top of my list is a pack-in hunt into the high country and a shot at a big mulie! :grin:

Beyond that I'd like to go for another big bull elk, and also a pronghorn. Never hunted pronghorn, but they look so cool...

Africa would be cool - years ago I ran across some Oryx/Gemsbok in Oman and have always dreamed of hunting them...

Then there's bighorn sheep, mountain goat, bear... The list goes on... :grin:
A long pack hunt in the Yukon for Moose, Griz, Caribou, and Sheep. The hunts O'Connor and the such wrote about decades ago. Dream On.
The hunt I've dreamed of is an Alaskan grizzly hunt on Kodiak Island. A place so full of rivers and bears that the tracks are everywhere. I can see, in my hunting magazine imagination, giant bears catching salmon along the falls where they jump. I went so far as to buy a 375 H&H mark X and a fern leaf cammo Bell & Carlson stock and I just knew that some day I'd make that trip. Well I finally sold the gun 15 years later because I finally resigned myself to reality :cry: .
By the way, does anyone have load data for the new .458 500gr. PTs for my 458 Lott. I guess I never really did let go of that dream :) I'm going to break it in on black bear or the 95lb. blacktail deer we hunt in California this year.
I'd also like to hunt a plains game hunt in Africa and red stag in New Zealand but Antelope, Mule deer and Cow elk in Wyoming is the game this year. Never been there but I bet I'll know where I should have been and should have done by the time I come back. Sound familiar? It sure does to me but I always enjoy the trip and have fun.
God has blessed us with all the great places we can go and even more if we want to bad enough.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
I hope all of our dreams come true some day soon enough to enjoy it. I suspect I could live with what I can do now but it sure is nice to dream :grin:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
First choice, Brown Bear, Moose and Caribou in Alaska

Second choice, Africa Cape Buffalo and eland

Third choice, Antelope in Wyoming
Chamois and Roe Buck in Austria...gorgeous country-side to stalk, amazing inns with food and local beers at night, and amazing critters in the Alps. Definitely my number one pick!
My dream hunt would be hunting for the Marco Polo Sheep. Prehistoric size horns, 14,000 feet hunting elevation, super thin oxygen in the air, cold temperatures, long shooting, and complete satisfaction of a huge personal accomplishment.

For you gun, caliber, & load guys: .338-.378 Weatherby Magnum Mark V; 210 grain Swift Scirocco 2, 120 grains of Retumbo @ 3200 fps with 4774 foot pounds of energy @ the muzzle.

This is not my Marco Polo Sheep, but i finally found a taxidermist that had a Marco in the shop & I took this picture to remind me of my dream hunt. Hopefully someday my finances with allow me to do this hunt before I get too old and out of shape.

Sweet marco polo. Stone sheep in the Yukon or Marco in Tajikistan. I won't ever spring for either, to much money.