What is your favorite brand of reloading die?

I started out on RCBS went to Hornady than went to Redding in the Mid 90s stayed with them since.
Hornady new dimension and redding! Best of the best. Love them. Smooth accurate and hardly any bullet runout.
I'm a old time fan of RCBS, 33 yrs worth! Customer service is excellent.
Having said that, I like Redding too.

Been using Redding and Hornady for just about my whole reloading career(20 years). I like them both.
Sorry guys
Everybody is going to think I'm ignorant but! Lee dies have never done me wrong. I have a big box of RCBS dies that have either stuck cartriges or I couldnt get the cartrige out of the dies without a hammer. Redding New dimension are my number 2 choice..Also I could have never perfected my 307 loads without the Lee Factory Crimp Dies. GOOD STUFF :grin:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Started with RCBS and have had excellent results and great service when I screwed up and needed parts.

Redding, Forster, Dillon, RCBS have tried others but return to my favorites after being disappointed by others.Rick.
I'm with POP - I like Hornady dies (both for the dies and for the great box they come in). I haven't used Redding stuff yet, and I still own some RCBS pistol dies, but Hornady is my favorite. I have started using some Lee dies recently, and they seem to work well, although I still like my Hornady's best.
started w/ RCBS but switching to Redding. RCBS are ok, but I have had some issues with concentric seating. Redding are a little easier to adjust with your fingers and seem to be machined a little smoother than RCBS.
It's a toss up between Redding and RCBS. Both companies give excellent service and I'm very partial to Redding's Competition Bullet seater dies. Redding's competition Shellholders are also great and eliminate having to adjust the sizing die.
Greg Nolan":2k0v5bia said:
Sorry guys
Everybody is going to think I'm ignorant but! Lee dies have never done me wrong. I have a big box of RCBS dies that have either stuck cartriges or I couldnt get the cartrige out of the dies without a hammer. Redding New dimension are my number 2 choice..Also I could have never perfected my 307 loads without the Lee Factory Crimp Dies. GOOD STUFF :grin:
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:

Nope...If they make the caliber in collet dies this is the first one I purchase. I hate FLRing when I can neck size.
Thanks for all the great feedback everyone! I've been using my lee dies and am ready to try something else. RCBS, Redding, and Hornady seem to keep coming up. I'll have to try some of each and find out what's what for myself; thanks for helping me narrow it down a little!
I grew up with nothing but green RCBS in the loading room.
I still use ALOT of RCBS but I have a few of Hornady New Dimention dies that i like alot. I am thinking of trying Redding or Forester bushing dies for a new rifle.
Hornady makes a great inexpensive die and I've had some hornady make ammo that rivals any match grade stuff out there.
If I really love a caliber and want to put a bit more money into an upgrade to the hornady I buy forester.
For the calibers I really really love to shoot.....the lee collet die with a redding body die...seated with a forester seating die....HEAVEN.
Thanks for all the great info from everyone! I think I've got a much better idea of the direction I want to go now. If anyone has any more input, please keep it coming! The more opinions the better.