What is your favorite critter to hunt?

Well- even if I did write it myself here's my reply to a "favorite game animal" post last year. Still sums it up for me.

Pronghorn!!! PERIOD!! They fascinate me, a pre- historic survivor that can broad jump a fence, slide under thenm like a ball player coming in to home and get up on a dead run and never miss a beat. A built for running machine that makes a thoroughbred look like a shetland pony. They can see better, smell and hear as well as any whitetail. On ground that looks flat as a table, they can disappear, and make you look like a fool. True, they are not as hard to see or find as most other big game. There big down fall IMHO is that for a million years thay have been able to out distance any predator, they just dont see a need to run away.

Some one described them as being able to run 40 miles an hour over country that would turn a good 4 wheel drive into a pile of parts at 10 MPH.

I know you can drive into the right pasture and take a poke at one at 400 yds and fill your tag. Whether thats hunting or shooting is up to you. If you need a challenge go after one with a bow, or your trusty 30-30. They are the Rodney Dangerfeild of the big game world "they dont get no respect". Spend a couple hours watching a pair of bucks try and steal each others does. I guarentee you will be impressed. OK- you get my drift. CL

ps Besides that I love the country they live in and I can handle the cold better in early Oct. than the weather during deer season.

I agree, hunting is great. But for a single animal, I like the hog. Ca, Texas, does not matter. Hunt them year around, love the meat, and most ranchers consider them a nuisance. Best shot, 300++ on a huge hog. Got him on the wall.
I hunt deer, moose, and occasionally other critters. Has two different hunting dogs, one for moose, and one for deer. Moose is the largest critter i hunt. But then again hunting deer is very exciting. Smaller, but shy and very exciting.
I`m going on a trip to Sweden soon, to hunt wild boar. So at the moment, I list boar hunting as the most exciting !
My all time favorite is Elk. I cannot get enough of it. Like the others said, it is hard work, but I actually lok forward to it. Nowhere in any hunting is it like the triathalon of hunting elk, climbing ridges, crossing water and just working yourself silly! Plus, hopefully backpacking alot of weight out of the deepest, darkest hole you could find them in! Scotty
Had great fun with a couple of spike elk Sunday evening. That walked out into a meadow to investigate a decoy. As one walked past us at about 45 yards, I gave a cow mew. He gave an alarm bark and walked back and forth for over forty-five minutes. Even when it was past shooting light, he would not leave the field. Finally, we walked out of our hide to collect the decoy, and even then he remained about 50 yards away, barking at us as we barked back. Walking out of the area, I looked back, and there stood the two spikers watching us, no doubt wondering why their girl friend was leaving with us. Elk are fun to watch, and this was a most unusual occurrence.
Bowhunting for bugling bulls. I'm addicted to it. The places I hunt them and the season (fall) are all just as important as the elk. Love being in the mountains in September.
My favorite is mule deer at least in North America. If we get to go international, then it has to be Cape buff.

CL, I'm with you.
I love hunting pronghorns, but not on opening day. I like going out during the late season, after the locals have been shooting at them for 4 weeks, and all the stupid one's are in the freezer. This is when they are so skittish, that is they see you from 2000 yards out they take off at 60 mph and don't stop running until they are in the next county. This is when "Oh my God they are close" means they are only 400-500 yards away, and you better be right on 'em, because they won't be that close for long. Oh yea, and did I mention the wind is blowing 15-30 MPH, they have 4 power vision, and can run 60 MPH?
Antelope_Sniper":6rree2u9 said:
CL, I'm with you.
I love hunting pronghorns, but not on opening day. I like going out during the late season, after the locals have been shooting at them for 4 weeks, and all the stupid one's are in the freezer. This is when they are so skittish, that is they see you from 2000 yards out they take off at 60 mph and don't stop running until they are in the next county. This is when "Oh my God they are close" means they are only 400-500 yards away, and you better be right on 'em, because they won't be that close for long. Oh yea, and did I mention the wind is blowing 15-30 MPH, they have 4 power vision, and can run 60 MPH?

I thought they had 8x vision???? :p :p
Antelope. You always see them so the action is always there. Getting close to a 16" who is smart is challenging as heck!
For me, whitetail hunting is the ticket, though Antelope hunting is a real kick too. there is a lot to be said for bustin song dogs too. Anything that gets me out in the open spaces is a favorite.
I know I am gonna catch hell for posting this on a rifle forum but I have never had as much fun as I did while dove hunting.
A Sniper- Always makes me chuckle when some feller asks what the "drop" will be at a given distance (insert blatant lie about yardage here) cuase hes looking for a "long range" goat or deer gun. Drop, sschmop" its about the drift. :grin: Them goats are fun...CL
Yea CL I know what you mean. I shot one antelope at 700 yards in a 30 mph straight cross wind. I had to adjust more for the wind then I did for the range. of course the 160 AB dropped her in her tracks.
Well I only get to hunt Speed goats once every twelve years in Oregon so I'm still waiting for my first tag! My bro and I a putting in for other states but didn't draw anything this year. My brother did draw for Oregon this year and we got to go. It was a blast even as the spotter.
Well, in over 40 yrs. of hunting, I've hunted a lot of critters, including african plains game, but my no. 1 hoot, seems to be......HOGS! :mrgreen: Here is some of my memorable pics.


Tenn. with .45-70 guide gun


Texas javelina, .45-70 guide gun.


Texas sow, .45-70 guide gun.


warthog, RSA, .45-70 guide gun.

Mad Dog