What Kind Of Accuracy Are You Getting With Partitions?

I stand corrected.
In a good way though. I never did use a calculator. I did that over a month ago and have shown a couple people. You are the first one to catch it. I have no idea how I came up with .351" If I had known it was really .261 I'm not sure I would have published it. Now nobody will believe that came from a wooden, box stock short skinney barreled Weatherby. I didn't even adjust the trigger.
I've had very satisfactory results with Nosler Partition bullets in two rifles. My Weatherby Vanguard in .300 WM regularly shoots 200 grain paritions into .50 inch at 100 yds from a solid benchrest. My "local gunsmith custom" .35 Whelan Improved (on an old 98 Mauser action) does the same with 225 grain partitions. The .300 likes H4831 and the .35 likes IMR 4320. Just starting to experiment with Accubonds........getting very good results so far.
Hired Gun":206b8c1b said:
Now nobody will believe that came from a wooden, box stock short skinney barreled Weatherby. I didn't even adjust the trigger.
I believe you because I have had some uncommonly good groups with Partitions in several different guns. My 270 printed 3 -140 Accubonds int0 .21" last summer, so they seem to work well also. I have a 300 Savage in a 700 "Classic" Remington that loves the 150 Partition, and will shoot it into less than 1" at 200 meters. Eagleye.
I am getting excellent results with the Partitions in both my 7mm-08 and my 22-250. They are shooting about .75 in the 22-250. Here is my target for the 7mm-08 using the 140 gr. Partition and W-748.
About 5 years ago I realized that partitions shot superbly and performed as represented out of every rifle I used them in. I decided ther was no point in using anything else for hunting. I simply don't use any other bullet-except Woodleigh in the 458 Lott. Oh yeah the varmint loads use the BP.
I shoot 180gr partitions over 60.0 IMR4320 in my .300 Win mag but I cannot get it to group better than about 3" at 100yd thats why I have to use my .308 and .280 for the rest of the year. It has always been like that. It did it with factory loads and with atleast 3 different reloads.

Inside 50yd it would group just about as good as my .308 will at 100
Im shooting 165gr ballistic tips over 44.0 RL15 in it and it will do .655 easy at 100.

I noticed that my .300 will shoot 150gr bullets around 3350 to 3460fps pretty good but not bigger bullets. I guess I'll have to go to 150gr ballistic tips or accubonds next year.
4320 is not really the right powder for 180 grain bullets. I'm thinking your extreme spread must be huge with only 60 grains in that case. Have you tried IMR4831 or RL-22 or if you have a 26" barrel try some IMR7828. Your looking to get the case as full as possible and still get your velocity. That where your best accuracy will come.
444marlin":3vkc6q5l said:
I shoot 180gr partitions over 60.0 IMR4320 in my .300 Win mag but I cannot get it to group better than about 3" at 100yd thats why I have to use my .308 and .280 for the rest of the year. It has always been like that. It did it with factory loads and with atleast 3 different reloads.

Inside 50yd it would group just about as good as my .308 will at 100
Im shooting 165gr ballistic tips over 44.0 RL15 in it and it will do .655 easy at 100.

I noticed that my .300 will shoot 150gr bullets around 3350 to 3460fps pretty good but not bigger bullets. I guess I'll have to go to 150gr ballistic tips or accubonds next year.

Chris, It seems to me that IMR-4320 is a little fast for a .300 Win Mag. Have you tried any of the slower powders like IMR-4350, IMR-4831, H-4831 or Reloder 22? I can't imagine a .300 Win Mag doing its' best work with any powders faster than Win 760, especially with 180 gr bullets. Granted, I have no personal experience with the cartridge, but all the data I have ever looked at uses those slower powders for top velocity and accuracy.
Ive used H4350, IMR4350, and IMR4831 I think..All were with 70+gr charges, the recoil felt like gettin hit with a mack truck so I went with a smaller charge.

After deer season is over I'm thinkin about loading up some more 150gr bullets over 74.0 IMR4350, the recoil isnt as bad with this load and shoots better but the reason I didnt stay with this load is I had loaded them up just as test loads a long time ago and just needed some cases for the 180gr loads and didnt have any 150's left.
If I ever get a chance to, I'm gonna go to the range and test some 180gr partitions I loaded over 70.0gr IMR4350.

I tried basically the same load with 165gr BT's and 62.0gr IMR4320 and it shot good but the reason I didnt stick with them either is its hard to resist hunting with a .308 that shoots 165gr ballistic tips .655 @ 100yd :) The .300 has never shot that good so I'll keep testing with it untill I find a load I'm comfortable with then it can aquire the name "Grim Reaper" :p
If you're just shooting paper partitions work well. I shoot .05 groups from a 300 win mag @ 100yrds using 71.5 gr RL22 180gr bullits, However they are no good for deer they either come apart or ruin to much meat for my taste. I will now use the ballistic tip. Get a clean kill and less bloodshot
In my Ruger MKII my 3 shot groups with 180 grain partitions and 71.5 gr IMR 4350 avg. 1.25 - 1.5 inches. I have gotten groups inside of a inch with some regular style bullets but for elk hunting I perfer the partitions.
Partition Accuracy in the field: BAR 30-06 & 165Grn Partitions

Area: Recenty logged mountian side...brushy tree tops down everywhere (looks like a bomb went off)

The nice 8Pt came around the hill at a run (very fast trot...fast enough to be jumping logs) from left to right at about 75 Yds. Picked an opening he was heading for......got on him and fired as he entered the opening.....he kicked high so I knew I had hit him, but I "felt" like I had hit him a little far back.....he also shifted into 3rd gear.

Stayed on him with the scope and when the cross hairs cought up with "behind the shoulder", I fired but it was just as he went behind a brush top and I honestly thought I had missed........

So....stayed on him and as he came out from behind the brush pile I put the third shot in the old boiler room...just behind shoulder 1/3 of way up. Shot looked good, & felt good, and I knew it was dead on....he crashed another 20 Yds down the mountian side.

Upon inspection, I had hit him all three times. One shot (probably the first) was a little back, but not by much. There were two other bullet holes within three inches of each other just behind the shoulder and you could cover all three with an open hand. All three shots were clean pass-throughs with the last shot breaking the off side left front leg.

I'd been practicing all summer, and the 165 Grn Partitions certianly performed "In The Field" as advertised and as expected.......Accurate AND Deadly.
