What scope for a walking varminter?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I have a Savage 11F 223 walking varminter. I do have the 220 swift heavy BBL with a 6.5x20 for LR varmints.

What would you scope this 223 with?
I've had a Leu 4-12AO on my Rem VS 223 since the beginning, and I've packed it across hill & dale here in MT for pdogs and Columbian ground squirrels. That scope and magnification are an excellent fit. If doing it again, I'd want turrets to dial-in corrections for wind and drop.

While at the range, I've thought many times that more magnification would help with itty bitty groups, especially with older eyes..., but as a varminter, the 12x is a good compromise between field of view and magnification, especially on a 223 that plays mostly at ~300 yards and under. BT
Hard to beat a 4.5-14x40 SF Nikon Buckmaster or something along those lines. If you're calling coyotes 3-9 will work fine though.
I was thinking about a 3x9 but did not want to cheat myself.
I've got an older model vari x III 3.5-10x AO, gloss, duplex, w/stoney point knob thats on my 223 right now and Im trying to sell or trade it for a higher magnification nikon of 14-18x...I'm just to use to 18-20x leupolds to deal with a 10x on a 223 when shooting small targets.

Think a 9-12x would be good for a walking varminter however out to 300 yards no problem.

Maybe we could work something out if you want. You always seem to find or have some good deals on scopes.
...a 6X18 VX-II w/ target knobs & AO would be just the ticket w/o breaking the bank...
I was thinking for a walking opportunistic varmint rifle 18 power would be too much...no?
I just installed a Vortex diamond back 4.5 x14x50 on the CZ 527 Varmint in .223, it is crisp and clear, has a generous eye relief. it tracks well and I beleive the coyotes will be in trouble if they stick around long enough to get in the cross hairs. I coulda went with a 40mm objective to shave a few oz's I guess . First vortex i have owned so after this winter I will have a more of an in field opinion.
It does sound a little unwieldy....
Fotis, I may be in the minority but I use a 4.5-14x40AO Leupold as my scope on my walking around varmit rifle which is my CZ 527, .204 Ruger.
I really like the VX-II 4-12xAO, but I have the 6-18s on my .22 centerfires. I don't think 6x is too much at all for a walk-around, and having 18x capability might come in handy now and then and you have all the range in between.
Keep the bottom end around 4x and the top 14x or higher and you will be happy. That is what I use for most of my rifles. A thick crosshair on 9x or smaller seems to cover to much of a coyote or other target past about 250yds. I love the Leupold Varmint Hunter reticle in the 4.5-14x40's that I have. I have 3 of them now. A new favorite is the Vortex 4-16x44 with their reticle that has the MOA hashmarks in it for windage and elevation. It is on my 264 and between the windage marks and turret my long-range shooting has improved over my VH reticle Leupold. The 264 never fit the wind marks in the VH with it's high BC bullets, but the reticle works great for my 204 or 6mm.

If you aren't calling yotes or in timber the 6x might not be bad as a bottom end, but I had a 6.5-20x40 Leupold on my 6mm and found it to much glass for calling. Loved it for everything else.
My larger varmit rifle is a .257 Roberts with a 5-15x42 Zeiss Diavari on it. This is for coyotes and racoons. This rifle augments the Model 527 CZ in .204 Ruger with a 4.5-14x42AO VXIII Leupold scope on it for rats and prairie dogs etc.
Thanks Fotis. I had this scope (the 5-15x42 Diavari V) on my 7mm Rem Mag for a few years while living in Utah for cross canyon deer shooting at 300-400 yards. Living in washington now, this scope makes better sense on a varmit-deer combination rifle. Besides, I am still working with this little rifle in order to get bug sized groups and want the best scope to help do so.
Perfect scope for a dual propose 243/25-06 out here.