What to buy with tax money?


Apr 11, 2007
I am a little dissapointed that browning dosn't make the A-Bolt white gold madellon in a left hand version. I want to buy a nice rifle for myself with my tax money but the problem is that not to many people make the fancy guns in a left hand version. I also considered having one custom made for me. That way I could choose the wood and what not. I should have around $1,300.00 to play with. I have also considered buying a couple of less expensive guns. Maby a ruger hawkeye and a marlin 308 or 444.

Any opinions?
I just got a Marlin 444 since I had no lever. 8)

I would suggest you have a rifle built to your specifications.
For $1300, you could have a left hand 700 action blueprinted and a nice Hart barrel installed, drilled for the caliber of your choice. A nice stock from McMIllian or HS Precision. This will be a tack driver for sure.

You can add a decent scope at a later date and you will be set for life!

Yea, thats what I really want, a custom one. From what I seen though, $1,300 was about half the price for the finished product. I will have to admit though, I didn't look to far into it.

I also thought about having a really pretty stock made for my Ruger 77/MKII and then get the action trued up.

I do want to get anothe rifle though. Last night I had found this site and the prices kind of discourged me. I guess I will have to look a little deeper into it.


A custom rifle built to your requirements is cheaper than you think!

Remington 700 action $425 or buy a beater gun for the donar action.
Action Blueprinted $180
Hart Barrel Flutted $350
Chambering & Fitting $200
HS Precission Stock $350
Total $1505

This is budgetary. You could pick up an old wood stock for cheap and get buy with a refinish job for less, this would get you to your $1300 budget.
You could also save on the barrel by not getting one flutted.

I think you should talk to a few gunsmiths and see what they can do for you. You just might be pleasantly suprised. :wink:

Another option is that Weatherby makes their Mark V's in left-handed versions in both 257Wby and 300Wby. If you don't own one, I can highly recommend them. I love mine. Real tack driver, too. You could probably find one new for about $1400, maybe less, or a used one for around $1000, leaving some in the piggy for a scope.
To expand on JD338"s advice... why not have some work done on one of your existing rifles?
New barrell, bedding, trigger job, ect ?
Well, I have already done the trigger. I thought about bedding it, It shoots pretty good right now though.

I Do want to get a nice stock made for it and maby the action trued. I have thought about a barrel job.......

I guess I was just wanting more guns........

Caliber undecided---.338, 300 mag, 444.....?
More guns is always good. If I had 1300 somolians I would 1st be thinking hmmm, left handed is 1st priority. Now what caliber blows my hair back? Then what is available in that caliber in left handed? If I go factory what would I potentially have to do ($$$$$) to get sub moa accuracy with it.

If that was not where I would end up going then, McMillans are on Christmas sale right now for 399.00 (McSwirlys are very cool) with a several month wait, so .. . .that gives me time to talk to some gunsmiths etc... about barrels, actions etc.... Several guys on here have experience going that way (like JD).

Me, I shoot right handed so factory works for me as long as it is Sako, although I have wandered at times to Remington. But to come up with the bills for Sakos does not come easy. Usually it is a relatively long process. But for the same money you could get most of the way to custom. :twisted: So . . . I think I would go this way.
smitty81":2awhiami said:
Caliber undecided---.338, 300 mag, 444.....?

Thats a pretty good spread of calibers. Of the three, it seems that the
300 Win Mag would be the most versatile. What kind of hunting and or shooting do you intend to use your new rifle for?

good news!!!!!!!


Rifle looks good, offered in left hand. I am also curious about the caliber. Looks like there are a lot of posabilites for reloading this caliber.
It looks to be a pretty versatile rifle for big game hunting and maby some larger varmits.........
I have had over 10 30 Rums. Nice caliber and in my opinion the BEST of the 300 Mags.

How about putting it towards a hunting holiday and getting more mileage from what you already have...

Just a thought :)
