- Sep 30, 2004
- 3,110
- 952
40 mile herd numbers are down. I wouldn’t bank on that hunt even opening this year and the competition for that hunt is insane.Honestly 2 Kodiak blacktails are nearly the size of 1 caribou bull. They are pretty big. I'd go to Kodiak with 3 tags and fill the tags. When we went there were deer everywhere and it was 80+ degrees for the first couple days in late August and mid 70's after that. We saw 34 bucks on one hillside. It just depends on how far you want to pack them and how thick of vegetation you want to pack them through. The bucks we shot had tons of fat, even at those temps and that early. As a matter of fact, my buddy shot several times at a really big buck at just over 900yds. That buck was so out of shape he only ran about 100yds and was panting like crazy. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth 6". 1 deer boned out is still 70-80lbs plus the head and horns. Most cow elk and 1st year branch antlered bull elk weigh less than double that. Moose would be better but it's not easy to kill a moose, pack it out, and then have to deal with more meat then one person will eat in 2-3 years. My last bull moose weighed 532lbs in quarters on the bone without the backstraps and tenderloins. A moose backstrap has more meat then a whole coues deer.
You will find out very quickly that hunting in AK is very expensive compared to the western states on public land.
You can hunt caribou out of Chicken, AK on a registration hunt. It's about 30 miles of 4 wheeling through some pretty good bogs and you better take a bunch of gas because that is usually just to the edge of where the caribou are. We typically rode 20-30 miles a day beyond the 30, a lot of it in 4x4. It can end in 24 or 48 hours once the quota is reached. You have to check in to see where the quota is but it's pretty fun and we all shot caribou the last time we hunted it. That is fairly inexpensive for AK if your going to be near Fairbanks. Chicken is close to the Canadian boarder north east of Tok.