Purpleheart over Mahogany box call

Jan 6, 2025
Hey everyone. I recently stumbled onto this site and I really like it! I do all sorts of hunting and also make custom turkey box calls in what free time I get. I wanted to share some of the calls I hand make. I focus on the "Cost Style" short boxes, but hope to get into the long boxes at some point. Thanks!

The first picture is a bird I took last year with a Walnut over Honduran Mahogany.

The 2nd picture is my 2nd bird with a Purpleheart over Red Cedar.

The 3rd picture is a box I recently finished , Purpleheart over Honduran Mahogany.

And the 4th picture is a Walnut over Red Cedar with double inlays.

Mahogany box kill.jpgPurpleheart and Cedar box.jpgPH over Mahogany box call.jpgWalnut and Cedar double inlay.jpg"Cost Style" box. Thanks for looking.
Welcome aboard! Amazing birds and calls!

I mean, who can't appreciate a box call like that!