What's your favorite game animal?

Jim, that is certainly a very nice trophy. Please tell.


PS <chucklestoself> Jim was probably standing about 6 feet or so behind the buffalo making it look really huge (which I am sure it was). :)
HunterJim":2t2901cn said:

The Cape buff will give you a level of excitement in hunting not matched by much (maybe elephant hunting in cover). I shot this buff in Zimbabwe in 2002, and the outside spread is 44". They are all trophies though. ;)


Never had the plea$ure....yet!
But it remains my dream.
Elk for me.

I got one in Colorado and it was probably the funnest trip I have been on.

The elk were very wary but I did find some and got one. The moose up here can be fun to hunt too but finding a legal one has been impossible for me the last few years.

Might make it back to Colorado again this year. And in a few years I may just move to Montana to be in the elk.
OK guys, I put up the Cape buff story in a new thread, and also the leopard I shot on that hunt.

The Dall sheep of Alaska , the challenge and the scenery of hunting high for the White Ram!

my all time dream: High Altai Argali in the Altai Mountains of Mongolia...It doesn't get any better than that!
Wow ! Bob in TX, that looks like an African Antelope !! :eek:

#1 for me is moose.

#2 Any critter with hooves and antlers, as long as theres some good dogs involved.
I`we also hunted the lynx once, the european "lion", a big cat. We used an imported American coonhound for this hunt. That was a fantastic experience on snow in february 2000.
Without a doubt, Elk is at the top of my list. The Colorado mountains (along with the crazy weather at 9200ft altitude), a good hunting buddy that I've hunted with for 36 years, the friendly people in the town our camp is located, the considerable amount of Elk we see during the course of the five day hunt (shorter if you get lucky) and the number of other Elk hunters we've met and now consider friends make up the best hunts I've ever been on. Even the trip out from Florida is great as I see a considerable amount of game, including Deer, Elk, buffalo, antelope and near Georgetown, Colorado, Rocky Mountain Big Horn sheep. You can't package a hunt like this.
Even though I love to hunt elk more than anything...I am gpoing to go with the moose. Have not hunted one but want to real bad. Just such a great big majestic animal.
Mine has to be the elk. What a magnificent animal. :lol: