When does Montana Mule Deer rut usually hit?


Oct 20, 2010
I've always been under the impression that the Mule Deer rut in Montana usually hits anytime from the 2nd week of November on, does this sound right?
That's what I figured. I was talking to a couple friends of mine last night during the Monday night game about possibly going out next year for a deer hunt. We'll see how serious they are when they see the price for nonresident tags and some of the gear they'll need to buy.
Yeah, that's a real "truth-teller" isn't it? The ol' wallet...

Many guys "want" to go on a big hunt... But when it comes time to pay the price in time & money & effort, reality strikes and it doesn't happen.

Mule deer here in Washington have been in rut the past couple of weeks. Dunno 'bout Montana, I'd think about the same.

Regards, Guy