When I turned 41, it was a very good year…



For reference, my birthday is coming up, so the title seemed fitting.

Right now, I'm sitting in about 45deg weather, hiding in the grass overlooking a small pair of greenfields as I type this on my iPhone. It's a beautiful day, The sun is setting, and I'm hoping to see a nice buck or a fat doe come into the field in the next hour. So, all in all not a bad afternoon.

But, the best part is, there's a nice doe on the ground already. I saw her from about 350yds or so, while I was walking in. I stalked to within 185yds, where I had a clear shot, and she obliged me a broadside shot which went through both lungs. For whatever reason, she just jumped an then walked a little farther, so a second shot was sent that dropped her in her tracks. Chalk up the first kill for my 30-06 Colt Light Rifle!

This is my second year trying stalking on top of the mountain my lease is on. Last year I stalked a doe from 800yds but ended up so amped up I missed the 150yd shot. Today, I was still shaking and amped up when I got in position, but I steadied myself and made the shot this time. I'm feeling much better about stalking these days.

I'd better get back to looking for deer…
Good for you! I absolutely love spot and stalk hunting! It's a great feeling to successfully close the distance, then make the shot.

Congratulations on your deer. Guy is right spot and stalk is a lot of fun, the closer you get the more fun it is. Just wait til you get under 25 yards from and animal you will really be pumped :)
That sounds like a great day in the grass! Congratulations on the doe! I don't see a post telling me of another yet.
Congrats on the spot and stalk. I did a spot and stalk with a bow last year and man it was fun.

Congratulations on the doe.
Happy B Day buddy.

Thanks, guys! It was a nice afternoon. Didn't see anymore deer, but I'm home now, almost cleaned up, and the doe is at the meatcutter's.

I know what a rush being close is, from almost a decade of only bowhunting. But there's just something about seeing them far off and creeping up to get a shot. What a terrific day.
I know what a rush being close is, from almost a decade of only bowhunting. But there's just something about seeing them far off and creeping up to get a shot. What a terrific day.

True, dat!
Today's tech devices sure are neat at times. Happy Birthday, and congrats on a wonderful day hunting!

What load are you shooting, and what kind of damage was done?