For reference, my birthday is coming up, so the title seemed fitting.
Right now, I'm sitting in about 45deg weather, hiding in the grass overlooking a small pair of greenfields as I type this on my iPhone. It's a beautiful day, The sun is setting, and I'm hoping to see a nice buck or a fat doe come into the field in the next hour. So, all in all not a bad afternoon.
But, the best part is, there's a nice doe on the ground already. I saw her from about 350yds or so, while I was walking in. I stalked to within 185yds, where I had a clear shot, and she obliged me a broadside shot which went through both lungs. For whatever reason, she just jumped an then walked a little farther, so a second shot was sent that dropped her in her tracks. Chalk up the first kill for my 30-06 Colt Light Rifle!
This is my second year trying stalking on top of the mountain my lease is on. Last year I stalked a doe from 800yds but ended up so amped up I missed the 150yd shot. Today, I was still shaking and amped up when I got in position, but I steadied myself and made the shot this time. I'm feeling much better about stalking these days.
I'd better get back to looking for deer…
Right now, I'm sitting in about 45deg weather, hiding in the grass overlooking a small pair of greenfields as I type this on my iPhone. It's a beautiful day, The sun is setting, and I'm hoping to see a nice buck or a fat doe come into the field in the next hour. So, all in all not a bad afternoon.
But, the best part is, there's a nice doe on the ground already. I saw her from about 350yds or so, while I was walking in. I stalked to within 185yds, where I had a clear shot, and she obliged me a broadside shot which went through both lungs. For whatever reason, she just jumped an then walked a little farther, so a second shot was sent that dropped her in her tracks. Chalk up the first kill for my 30-06 Colt Light Rifle!
This is my second year trying stalking on top of the mountain my lease is on. Last year I stalked a doe from 800yds but ended up so amped up I missed the 150yd shot. Today, I was still shaking and amped up when I got in position, but I steadied myself and made the shot this time. I'm feeling much better about stalking these days.
I'd better get back to looking for deer…