Where to start?

Pee Wee

Aug 19, 2017
I just ordered a new 28 nosler LR rifle and would like to reload but not real sure where to start with the powder charge..... I'll be using a 175 gr Barnes TSX bullet with H1000 powder. What do you think the min and max grains of powder would be?
Sorry for the stupid question but I'm fairly new to reloading and can't find any info on the 28 using Barnes bullets...

Thanks for your time and help,
Pee Wee
Sorry I have no personal experience with your rifle or load.
In your situation I would start with a call to Barnes and Hogdon respective customer service lines to see if they can offer suggestions.. Good Luck, Rol
Could I start out really low with the powder charge and work up to the FPS with my chronograph to what Nosler has has on there load data for FPS for a 175 grain bullet?
Would that work for a load?

Pee Wee
Rol_P":1v0c3rej said:
Sorry I have no personal experience with your rifle or load.
In your situation I would start with a call to Barnes and Hogdon respective customer service lines to see if they can offer suggestions.. Good Luck, Rol

That’s about the best advice out there. You could start with Nosler 175 data mins and work up slowly using your chronograph.
Pee Wee":2y0jkah0 said:
Could I start out really low with the powder charge and work up to the FPS with my chronograph to what Nosler has has on there load data for FPS for a 175 grain bullet?
Would that work for a load?

Pee Wee

I wouldn’t drop below Nosler’s minimum though. Slow powders and big cases will do funny things.

If you have a chrono I’d be A-Ok starting at the min though.
Thanks for the in site guys!..... Just waited to make sure I was thinking it correctly.
Hi PeeWee,
I love H1000, and TSX, but more than loving specific components, I love combos that work in my gun. I bought H1000 for my 300 WM, but it really loves IMR4350...

Would suggest you do a new post, on that says... what’s your favorite 28 Nosler load?

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I would look at Retumbo as well. Either H1000 or Retumbo would be where I’d start.
Pee Wee,

Welcome aboard. Undoubtedly you will find a warm welcome from those posting here. Consequently, the only question that can be considered "stupid" is the one that is never asked. The 28 Nosler is a neat cartridge and the 175 grain TSX will be a great bullet for your rifle. Rol_P gave you superb advice in directing you to phone to the techs for their insight. Every system is unique to itself, but their data is pressure tested, so it is highly unlikely that you would ever get into trouble using their insight. Again, welcome aboard.