Sitting in my hotel room catching up-killed my best ever whitetail buck last night with my pre '64 Winchester .30-06 model 70. Bullet was a 165 gr Sierra gameking which performed better than I expected as it passed front to rear, base of neck to just under skin on rear flank. Shot him at 120 yards, the bullets are hand loads with superformance powder, don't remember the exact recipe just now. I shot the buck as he was cruising some woodlands looking for does. He came to a scrape where I had hung a doe pee scented wick and at the shot he fell in his tracks. Kinda looked like a tv show and I got it on trail cam to some extent. My biggest buck ever and a great experience.
Should mention that normally the AccuBond is my go to hunting bullet but this gun does not shoot them well. I did a bunch of experimenting before I found that the gameking worked extremely well with this rifle and has a reputation as a quality deer bullet.
Should mention that normally the AccuBond is my go to hunting bullet but this gun does not shoot them well. I did a bunch of experimenting before I found that the gameking worked extremely well with this rifle and has a reputation as a quality deer bullet.