why the bad posts?


Apr 25, 2007
Aren't there enough pron web sights? why would any one post it here on a hunting / shooting web sight? Its like hunters posting on PETA or gays on a playboy web sight? It makes no since I just wonder what type of person it takes to keep at it?
Alot of times it is not even a person, just a bot.

It can be pretty annoying. I am a moderator on a Virginia hunting board and have to deal with it. We have finally started to require a verification to sign up, it has helped alot.

Sorry that this garbage get on this great site. Lots of sick people in the world.
On behalf of the moderators, we are doing our best to rid it before anyone sees it. Sometimes it appears while I an deleating other spam. I try to get on here several times during the day and night to clean up but sometimes its not enough!
We will continue to do our best to keep things clean around here.
Thanks for your understanding.

