Wierdest shot you ever made?


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
What was the strangest shot you ever made?

Whether long, short or just plain one in a million.
Mine was on a deer running straight away, she jumped at the time I was pulling the trigger and the bullet just caught the belly skin and opened her up like a zipper. as the entrails fell out she piled up in just a few yards.

Instant field dress job!
Way back when Teddy, Elmer and I, (Teddy Getx and Elmer Fudd) were out riding around one day in my pickup, we came to a junction in the dirt road. As I approached the junction I looked to my left and saw a large rodent "running" awa, down that road. I reached up on the truck dash (things were simpler then) and grabbed my loaded in the chamber Ruger 22 Auto (remember times were simpler). Because the dust was 8 inches deep I was reluctant to come to a complete stop (the cab would fill with dust), so I slowed from my otherwise breakneck speed, stuck the auto out the window and fired a round as we passed through the intersection. Needless to say I killed the roadent deader than dead. We then of course stopped to enjoy the realization of a once and a lifetime shot and repleanish our supply of cold drinks while looking with wonderment and awe at the dead rodent.
Of course Teddy and Elmer are now long gone so I have no verification of this shot but I do still remember it in my feeble old brain. Nuff said have to go PT
Well, I can't think of any weird rifle shots, but I do have a weird shot with my bow the other day. I was hunting does in the area near my work. I had a doe come up to about 5-10 yards from the base of my tree. I was already drawn back and looking to sink the arrow through the top of her back. She was looking straight up at me when I released and somehow (probably operator error), the arrow entered the white patch, penetrated down the neck, into the lungs and exited out of the bottom of the deer. She piled up in about 40 yards. I couldn't actually see the arrow impact since it happened so fast, but when the deer ran away, I couldn't see my arrow on the deck and didn't see it sticking out of the deer, cause just about the whole thing was inside the deer. It was lucky something bad didn't happen, but it turned out to be pretty deadly. Not my preferred shot, but I will take it. Plus, I was full of jitters and buck fever since it was my first deer of the year with my bow! I love the rush! Here are some pictures of the little Va deer. Scotty

Blood Trail was pretty awesome for the short run it made

Here is how I found her

A close up of the entry

Exit wound

The deer broke the carbon shaft during its run

Daughter and Dad!

Son and daughter!
Man oh Man!

That is one for the books for sure!
Sometimes I would rather be lucky than good and it just so happened that day! It is amazing how much deer/elk whatever can get you so worked up when you are in close quarters with them. Taliban never made me that kind of excited! Scotty
Undoubtedly, the weirdest shot I ever made was on a coyote. 225 yards ranged facing me. I shot a 175 grain TBBC from my 7mm RM. Coming back from battery, the coyote had disappeared. I walked out to where I had seen the beast, and there he lay as if sleeping, head between his paws. His eyes were open and seemingly looking straight at me. I circled, touched the eye and noted there was no blink response. There was no blood, no bullet hole, only a dead coyote. Upon skinning, I found a small hole (0.284 inches) immediately above the sternum and no exit hole. The bullet had travelled precisely down the ventral aspect of the spine and exited through the anus without disturbing the tissue surround that particular orifice. The entire innards were mush. Doubt that I'll ever make such a shot again.
It was REALLY fast! Probably one of the fastest I have seen from a bow shot animal not hitting the spine!

That is a cool shot on that coyote Mike! I can't imagine the TBBC did much expanding in a coyote. Good way to keep the hides intact! Scotty
Way to go Scotty. Great pics of the kids.

Thanks Jim. Going to grind up two does in a few hours. Gotta get the burger packed into the freezer. Scotty
Scotty, great story and pix of the kids. Thx for posting..

Wierdest shot I ever witnessed was one my dad made moons ago. He was posting to the North of me over an alfafa field to the east. My brother & I were driving a small 5-6 acre, stand of popples. Going slow as we knew there was deer in there. I caught movement out in the hayfield and brought my binocs up to look and sure as heck, it was a nice 8pt trying to sneak away thru the low swale/ditch in the field. (6mm Remmy: That 8pt would be a 4x4 in MT lingo.. :lol: )

So I get my rifle up, taking my time, getting a good rest, shot would be about 150 yards, dialed up the scope a bit more and found the buck again. Just about to pull the trigger, & Wham, it was like an invisible slap hit the deer's rear end, creating a viewable shockwave running thru the deer (like a rock dropped in a puddle) and "stuff" flying out the front end of the deer and down he went, like a sack of taters. Then I hear the ka-boom of my Dad's rifle.

Wow, what a rush watching that happen, it was like in slow motion for me. Pretty flippin trippy watching the hydrostatic shock move thru the deer. Dad was pretty dang happy to as it had been a few yrs since he shot a decent buck..

On a side note, my Dad & I dont have a close relationship as his marriage/wife prevents that. But he just called me from his truck to give me an update on Deer hunting.. I thought of that shot right away as it happened yesterday... Pretty cool that he called me too...

Anyways, neat post...

Oh yeah, saw my brother shoot a goose almost over head, landed within 4 feet of him, watching him scramble was hilarious cause he thought he was gonna get smoked by the dead goose..

Rod, that is pretty cool. Talk about good timing, actually see the bullet smack the deer! Talk about a buck shot from out underneath of ya! Great story! Scotty
I was hunting with my Sharps 45-70 shooting 70 grs FFG and a Lyman 405 cast flat nose. Two doe deer came out into the logging road I was hunting and stood broad side. I thought I will kill both with one shot. This was the first time I had hunted with this rifle and the peep in the sight was really a target peep and when I tried to to find the deer in the sight I could not. One of the deer turned to face me and I could make out the white on its chest through the peep. I lined up the front sight and touched the set trigger and BOOM ------ WHOP. When the smoke cleared one deer was on the ground and the other was looking at the dead one. I tried to reload quietly but the deer heard me and took off. When I went to the dead deer there was a huge pool of blood had came out of it's mouth. A bullet hole was behind it's left front shoulder and it's left back leg was shot off just above the knee. I thought there was no way that bullet could have went in behind the front shoulder. I was aiming at it's chest but could not find where the bullet entered. When I got the deer to the skinning shed I found what had happened. By the time I fired and the bullet reached the deer 111 yards away it had put it's head down and the bullet struck it on top of the head between the ears. The bullet made saw dust out of it's neck and exited behind the left shoulder and went back and shot off the left back leg.

My buddy had a funny thing happen. He shot a deer one time at a little over 300 yards. He aimed at the front shoulder as it stood broad side to him. When he got to the deer it had 4 holes in it. One entering the shoulder and exit and one entering it's neck and exit the other side of the neck. What had happened was between the time he fired and the bullet got there the deer had to have turned to bite at it's side that was the off side of the deer. The bullet entered the shoulder and exit the opposite shoulder and entered the neck and exited it as it was reaching back to bite at it's side.
Pretty neat stories, and yes Rod we do call them 4 pts! I've told this already but shot at a buck antelope on the run at about 70 yards with my 6mm Remington (of course). When I shot a doe that was running near him caught up and was on his far side. It went through him right behind the shoulder and into her and stopped on the off side under the skin. First big-game animal and two with one shot!

I think those geese are mean. :mrgreen: I have never been duck or goose hunting much but a friend and I went out with his dog and were hunkered down by the river's bank in some brush. WE each shot about the same time and a single goose flying upstream about 40 yards up dropped like a rock and almost hit his black lab and US. I don't know if his lab would ever retrieve again if that happened. I cannot imagine the impact of a 6 pound bird flying at 40 mph!
2shaky":2a7xyhj6 said:
Mine was on a deer running straight away, she jumped at the time I was pulling the trigger and the bullet just caught the belly skin and opened her up like a zipper. as the entrails fell out she piled up in just a few yards.

I've heard of that happeneing, but have never seen it myself. Pretty amazing!
There were a few years when I was in a trapshooting league. I just enjoyed the shooting, and never considered any connection with elk hunting. The bull I eventually called in one of those years was in thick cover. When we mutually spotted each other, he was maybe 7 yds. away. His eyes bulged, nostrils flared (maybe mine did too :grin: ), then he whirled to run straight away. The rifle came up, I saw the back of the head in the scope and the gun went off as he made the first jump. Powdered him!! A side note: I was about half way through the field dressing when the brain said "You are by yourself in grizzly country, thick cover, covered with elk blood. Where is your rifle??". I had it propped against a deadfall maybe fifteen feet away. I retrieved it and put it right next to me for the rest of the chore.
I was 16 and spotted a yote in a cut hay field. Was driving the amily 93 plymoth aclaim with my brothers and a $100 9mm pistol. We got into the field and gunned it. The widrows were high enough it hid us for a while but as we got closer the yote spotted us and took off. I rolled down my window and reached across my body with my right hand and let a round go. They yote tumbled! he was a good 75 yards out and we were driving at least 40 mph. LOL the cheap gun jammed after the first shot.

Memories..... :lol: :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen: :lol:

Except it was in a 68 Malibu, a 73 Lincoln, a 74 Malibu, a 76 LTD, a 76 Eighty-Eight Royale & I am sure I am forgetting a few.

Whats the farthest you have ever had to walk after getting stuck? My personal best is around 14 miles... :lol: :lol:
