

May 26, 2012
It seems Wiley has gotten too bold and I'm infested with coyotes.

No pics but I'm thinning the pack. I won't leave the house to feed without a firearm of some sort now. Also got some feral dogs running around stirring things up.

Anybody want to come out and help me thin the predator populations?


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I would love to but it's too far away. Hope someone close can make it out......... Good luck with the thinning, are you using your 6.5/284 or do you have something smaller?
If I was in AZ, Vince, I'd drop by and give the yodel dogs some exercise.
Vince, it seems that the coyotes are really on the high cycle right now. Here in Saskatchewan there is a club on FB called the Coyote Assassins they are getting a large number unfortunately many have mange & mites.
Here the coyotes are hard on deer & upland game during winter, but in the spring they change to calves :twisted:!

Thanks for the offer Vince and believe me, I would be there but alas, the predator population here in Eastern Oregon is having a "banner year." Therefore my talents are fully engaged thusly.

Good luck just the same. ;)

Sounds fun, but the ranch doesn't let me get away much. There used to be a couple trappers around here that took a couple hundred out of a 10 mile circle around me. Pelt prices are low and fuel costs enough neither has been out. There also used to be a calling contest that got a lot of entries in this area that shut down. We are seeing a lot, I've been out quite a bit since deer season. I got #10 for 2017 last night. We start calving in late February so we will have a bunch more move in then.
Last weekend was too windy but Stephen gave it a good go.
I was busy hauling water and dealing with firewood to be much help.
I just pointed him in the right direction and left him alone. I'll let him fill you all in more if he chooses to.



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It was a beautiful day. I drove through 20 miles of new snow getting up there from the Valley of the Sun, passed some sports cars slid off the freeway. It had snowed that night, and there was new snow on the ground at Vince's place.

Vince walked me around and pointed out some areas. I did a few stands, but the wind was blowing pretty good. I was calling into the wind mostly, so it didn't carry at all. I did some shooting before I left, and the wind was blowing/gusting about 25 miles per hour per my Kestrel.

I saw some coyote tracks and some jackrabbit tracks in the snow, but that was it.

I got a picture from back under a juniper, only my barrel was in the sun... any day in this country is a good day...

Sure looks like beautiful country. It would be easy to lie back and let the sun shine out there.
Me and my 308 tactical are planning on a hike Friday morning I will take along a couple of calls as I know there are doggies in the area, as I picked up a couple last year.
Just had a large pack run through the place.

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They knew no one was ready to pop them. They are called wily for a reason! :lol:
Interesting day for me today. First I saw a Badger, (no biggie) other that it was running between cactus's. Then the coyote came to my call, and while I was walking down to take a picture of him, two peccaries ran out of the bushes. that was my first ever sighting of the little piggies. A very nice morning, all in all.
Every day away from the city is a good one.

And, Vince, I'll be back to help out... I may have a day coming up.