Winchester model 94 (the best deal ever!)


Dec 2, 2007
I have a friend that has a Winchester model 94 in a 32 win special. He said that we could work out a deal for one of my bushnell 6-24x50 AO scopes. What would be the best thing to do? IS the deal reasonable and wha do you think of the 32 win special? Thanks
What sort of shape is the Model 94 in? The 32 Win Special is a fine cartridge, slightly more powerful than the 30-30; and I really like the Model 94. However, I wonder if you are looking for a brush gun? Is the bore bright? Pitted? How is lock up on the rifle? Is the chamber bulged? Hard to give you a definitive answer without knowing the condition of the rifle and how much you value the scope.
DrMike":2tm6vc23 said:
What sort of shape is the Model 94 in? The 32 Win Special is a fine cartridge, slightly more powerful than the 30-30; and I really like the Model 94. However, I wonder if you are looking for a brush gun? Is the bore bright? Pitted? How is lock up on the rifle? Is the chamber bulged? Hard to give you a definitive answer without knowing the condition of the rifle and how much you value the scope.
The rifle is in pretty good condition but the rear sight adjustment is missing, which I should be able to get another one. The blueing on the barrel needs to be fixed which is not a big deal to me. Yes I am looking for a brush gun. We were told that the only bullets that were shot through this gun is just blanks. The bore is in perfect condition and it is not pitted. The lock up on the rifle is still strong and the chamber is not bulged. I do like the scope, but I would rather have the rifle because I can always buy another scope.
The Speer Reloading Manual #14 says of the 32 Winchester Special:

"The original 32 WS offered 22 percent greater muzzle energy than contemporary 30-30 loads. That's a similar energy difference to that between the 300 Winchester Magnum and the 30-06 today with 180-grain bullets."

Speer makes a .321 inch FNSP for the 32 WS which generates a velocity around 2200 fps with several common powders.

I like the 32 WS, and I have witnessed some at the range that were surprisingly accurate. One, in particular, shot 1.5 inch groups consistently in the hands of the owner; and that was with iron sights. I believe that 2 to 3 inches would be the more common group at 100 yards. It is just that much more frontal area hitting a deer, which isn't a bad thing. Like many of thekd cartridges developed during or near the close of the black powder era, the cartridge will kill far better than it should.
Funny, I have that same gun in a pre 64 and it is missing the sight ramp as well. Was thinking about getting a replacement and trying to take a spike with it this year. Mine is all pitted up pretty bad, was my grandmas. I would do it, they are a pretty cool gun. I have fun just looking at mine let alone shooting it.
I`m a little biased but, go for the rifle!
The M94 is a great little woods rifle, and the 32spcl is a fine deer cartridge.
I speak from experiance. I shot my 1st deer with a early 30`s vintage M94 in 32spcl. The gun was originally my grandfathers and has been passed on to me by my dad. All 3 of us boys started hunting deer with the old rifle and it still serves as a great woods gun for Mi hunting.
With good loads mine will do ~2-2.5" at 100 yds. The original sights were replaced by my father with a Williams fool proof and ivory bead front in the 60`s. He had a hard time with irons and the peep offered him a much improved sight picture. The rifle was never intended to leave the family and collectors value was the last thing on dads mind when he did it. Otherwise the rifle is in ~85-90% condition.
The model 94 by Winchester in 32 special is a good brush gun and I've had one with nickel steel barrel. If it is an older gun(pre 64) it is worth a few hundred dollars. As to whether it is a good trade depends on which Bushnel scope. The 6-24X50 Banner is worth a hundred or so. The 4200 Elite is worth $600 or so. It depends on what you want. The 32 SPL. is basically a 30-30 performance wise. Depending on what you want to shoot you may want something more powerfull. Wheather you want a 6X24 scope for something only you know. In Montana with the big mulies and elk I would think a good 308 or 338 Marlin express might give you more flexibility.
The value of that rifle will always outlast the value of that scope. I woud trade for the rifle, and this is coming from a guy who dislikes the '94 and the 30-30, :shock: un-American I know. There is some cool factor with it being a 32 Win. I say go for it!
Knock that boy down with that scope and run with that Winchester 94. Have you seen the price of anything with the Winchester name on it lately sense Winchester went out of business. That rifle is worth 2 or 3 of those Bushnell scopes.
Well boys I got the rifle last night. The scope that I traded is the bushnell banner.
Thanks again for all the advice. I am going to cabelas tomorrow to get some blueing so i can re blue the barrel then I will post some pics
Congratulations on a great rifle and deal.
Post before and after pictures.

Ok the gun is not totally finished, but I did get the chance to strip the barrel and the tube and re-blued them last night. I also polished the stock up a little bit. The pictures of the gun on the brown table are pictures of the gun before I did anything to it and the pictures of the gun sitting on the white table are after I re-blued the barrel and polished the stock. I am still not completely sure how to post the pictures on here, ( maybe someone can help me?)













