Winter meat


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Took a break from working on the new house to go look for cow elk. I was just about to give up, I could see several hundred on the neighbors property when I spotted a bull with several cows across the canyon bedded in the trees.
With nothing but snow flattened grass For cover I went straight at them. The snow was very crunchy. I made it to 500 yards and they got on their feet. Ranged them, no wind good light, figured if one stood broadside I might take a poke. But the ambled straight away. I had an idea where they were going so I picked up my gear, stood up and saw two more coming up out of the bottom. Dropped to prone tied into the sling and started tracking them. One turned just shy of where the others had started. Pulled over her back tapped the trigger and she disappeared.
Finally picked up some elk hide in my glasses. She was down. Remembering Bills story I watched her for about 10 minutes. Ranged the spot at 481.
Hit her a little high but broke both shoulders.
.338 Jarrett; 250 gr. AccuBond at 2925 fps. The bullet exited, appears to have performed as advertised.

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Salmonchaser congratulations on a that cow Elk she will make for some fine dining this coming winter (y).
Thank you for the story and photo!

Glad you got your cow. That Jarret will get the job done along with the 250gr AB.
Thanks for sharing.
Great job don, wish I had one of those LO tags. Outstanding shooting, she will be just right!
I am fortunate Bill, that is for sure. The CRP areas and dry land crops have been here forever and it's been winter range forever. 10 or 15 years ago you wouldn't see elk in this area at all until the snow fell, they all went up the mountain. now there are large herds here all year. Last September I came up scouting for deer. Sitting in one spot, watching one canyon, 1,000 yards max visibility I saw 8 branch Antlered bulls in an hour.
They are playing hell with the farmers.
Yesterday I could see three or 400 elk within a mile or two.
Most people think it's the wolves keeping them down in the summer and fall. ODFW hopes that a little pressure will at least keep the elk more spread out. That seems to work. They also monitor weather, snow level. Once it starts to get tough they will shut down the depredation program.

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And to make me feel even worse I suppose you drove up to her. My friend in Summerville said his hunt lasted 8 minutes and it took longer to get the truck to it
Not this time but the pack was only about 300 yards with about 100 feet of elevation gain, pretty easy.

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Congratulations on your cow.
I got a cow the other day but it’s not as nice as your cow.
Mine was on sale at Kroger Grocery Store for $5.89/Pound. : )


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Congratulations! That fills a freezer with wonderful meat.

Nice shooting...

What I liked best about the shot was doing it old school. On the first group I used the sticks. Definitely need more practice with them. I bought my first set a year or two ago. I had just secured them in my pack when I saw her. Dumped the pack, arm through the loop, tightened the slider rolled into prone and was on her in less time then it took to write this. Not sure if I have enough lifetime left to get that comfortable with sticks. :)

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