WLR Primers


Sep 17, 2013
I have been trying to use up some old primers while fire forming 300 WSM brass to 7mm WSM brass. I started with some very old Remington 9-1/2 primers from the late 1970's or early 1980's. When those were gone, I switched to some old Winchester WLR primers shown on the right side of the photo. I had greatly different (less) velocity and pressures than I did with the old Rem. 9-1/2 primers. I adjusted my load and plan on shooting up the remainder of the older WLR primers.

I also have some newer WLR primers shown on the left side of photograph which I want to shoot up. They appear significantly different from the older WLR primers.
  1. The older WLR primers have a silver-colored cup and a red colored paste.
  2. The newer WLR primers have a copper-colored cup and a green colored paste.
Does any know when the Winchester switched from the older type to the newer type?

Does any know if the newer type will perform about the same as the older type? Or, can I expect to have to adjust my load again?

I would throw them all straight in the trash...

I've been using them for years (brass cups) with no issues until last week doing load development for my new 6 creed. I blew 1 primer and had 4 gas leaks out of the first 50 cases. I was not hot rodding them at all either, before anyone jumps to conclusions. It's been a known issue for sometime apparently. I had to adjust my load down below 1.5g book max with the WLR primers. So far, no more issues. However I will not be using them anymore myself. Going to save them for an apocalypse, or better yet, sell/trade them off to someone else and let it be their problem. I'm gonna go with CCI 200s from here on out...
I would throw them all straight in the trash...

I've been using them for years (brass cups) with no issues until last week doing load development for my new 6 creed. I blew 1 primer and had 4 gas leaks out of the first 50 cases. I was not hot rodding them at all either, before anyone jumps to conclusions. It's been a known issue for sometime apparently. I had to adjust my load down below 1.5g book max with the WLR primers. So far, no more issues. However I will not be using them anymore myself. Going to save them for an apocalypse, or better yet, sell/trade them off to someone else and let it be their problem. I'm gonna go with CCI 200s from here on out...
Why not contact Winchester and let them know about your issues along with the lot number on the box.I too had some issues with Winchester primers I had bought between 2008 and 2012.I sent back 5,000 and they paid me a little more than what I paid for them or I could have requested them to just replace them.I wish now I would have had them send me back 5000.Those primers always felt a little loose when I seated them.In 2017 I bought 1000 more.Those primers were a much tighter fit than the ones I sent back.I have had zero issues with the newer primers,but many others had issues with some of the older lots.
I guess I could try that. Worth a shot. They all seat fine, nice and tight actually. Something else is the issue. Shouldn't have gas leaks and blown primers, under max loads on nice tight seated primers. It's a known issue tho. If you go on over to the hide, many others have had the same thing happen and ruined bolt faces. My bolt face is definitely not normal either. It's going back to the smith to get fixed. Winchester should be fixing that also 🙄
I guess I could try that. Worth a shot. They all seat fine, nice and tight actually. Something else is the issue. Shouldn't have gas leaks and blown primers, under max loads on nice tight seated primers. It's a known issue tho. If you go on over to the hide, many others have had the same thing happen and ruined bolt faces. My bolt face is definitely not normal either. It's going back to the smith to get fixed. Winchester should be fixing that also 🙄
I went back and looked to make sure but I had a blown primer a couple of years ago with a 270 Win. Damaged the bolt face too unfortunately. It was a Federal 215 though, the load was under max and the bolt lift was normal. I'm fairly sure it was a defective piece of Hornady brass. No other issues after I stopped using that brass. Your issue could definitely be the primer but maybe there is something with the brass.
That's what I thought at first also. I was blaming the Peterson brass, which is really highly unlikely, after all its top tier brass up there with Lapua. After confirming several more of the same issues on the hide, I'm 99% certain it's those shitty Winchester primers. Funny thing is tho, I never had any issues with the first 3 bricks in I don't know how many different rifles/calibers. For some reason, they don't like my 6 Creed very much 😂 It only happened on 5 of the first 50 cases too. Was no signs of pressure otherwise on the other 45, which is just kind of a head scratcher really. I'm going to reach out to Winchester afterall and see what they can, or will do about it as I still have like 1500 of them, and I honestly don't want to use them anymore, as they already ruined the boltface.
As an update, I used up the oldest of the WLR primers and then used up the remnants of a box of the newer primers, some of which I had (slowly) punched out of unfired reloads. I had no problems with any of the primers including the salvaged ones. They all fit tight in the new ADG brass.

There was no significant difference in velocity or point of impact between the older WLR primers and the newer WLR primers. They worked fine for fire forming brass. I am glad to get some of that old stuff used up and not waste any of my new Federal primers on just fire forming.

While fire forming from 300 WSM to 7mm WSM I had some really tight clusters of shots. I can't wait to see what kind of groups I will get with good brass with turned necks.
I never seen any difference in them either , Dan . the old white box is WLR , but it says for standard and magnum loads . I don't think they had a WLRM back in those days . the newer blue box WLR doesn't mention magnum loads . they brought out WLRM primers for magnum loads . I use up my pushed out primers the same way .
Back when I was developing loads for my 35 Whelen AI I had problems with Win Large rifle primers that the firing pin would pierce the cup and would gas burn the bolt face. Contacted Winchester and sent them samples plus pictures.
They replaced the primers and paid for any repairs the bolt needed. The funny thing is it was with their primers marked as standard and not the generic standard and magnum primers. My best loads were with the standard/magnum primers which I hoard and only use for the Whelen.
I just got off the phone with winchester and told them my issue. The lady I spoke with was very nice, she took down all my info and the problems I was having with the primers and said I would receive a call back within 5-7 days to try and resolve the issue. She said they typically ask you to return the items, and they will either replace or reimburse you. I'll keep ya posted!
I just got off the phone with winchester and told them my issue. The lady I spoke with was very nice, she took down all my info and the problems I was having with the primers and said I would receive a call back within 5-7 days to try and resolve the issue. She said they typically ask you to return the items, and they will either replace or reimburse you. I'll keep ya posted!
Their CS is exceptional too bad their products suck. Just about every bag of brass I bought of theirs , I would find an issue. I was reimbursed for it.
When I had my 270 win rebarrel done and developing loads I had a blown primer happen twice. The loads were under max. Same brand of brass. Quit using that lot-brand of brass and no more problems. Back in the early 80s I and others who bought CCI primers from a local store had problems with them being duds. I quit using that brand for several years. Started back using them few years ago with no problems. Both of these issues are examples of bad lots. It happens. Anything made by man is subject to fail sometime or another. Dan.