
You've told that story before, Mike, but it make me smile again!
Polaris":1km7ms50 said:
DrMike":1km7ms50 said:

I smiled at this, remembering how my daughters used to come home from a church service, and as we were eating lunch one would say, "Four." The other would either nod or say, "No, five." Sometimes, they would voice much higher numbers. This went on for some time until one day I asked what they were doing. The eldest said, "Dad, that's how many words we had to look up in our Funk & Wagnalls." And all this time, I thought I was being precise. :grin:
Here's another look up word. Grandilloquent. Not sure on the spelling though.

Grandiloquent. Yes, I can be pompous, even bombastic, I suppose. :shock:
Wolf "Rumors":
Two young men shot two wolves coming over the ridge top at close range near Bolvill Idaho. Saw the pics.

Another hunter rode wheeler "WAY" in the Salmon River region. Packed rest of way. Rolled out sleeping bag and took nap (just got off of night shift). Thought he was dreaming that his hounds were fighting. Woke up to "dogs fighting and jumped up and looked over the edge and pack of wolves tearing apart some hunters hounds. Let's just say he picked up his stuff and went to another area to hunt when this incident was over.

A hunting buddy was sitting in rain last weekend watching a clear cut edge where he shot a buck last year. A black wolf came out with nose on ground and was following the scent of ??? It was raining so hard he couldn't get the black cross hairs on the black body and get a shot.

We still have a "BIG" wolf problem. I'm still trying to figure out how Canadian Greys were introduced here as a species to "Bring Back the Wolves"

In years past up until about 5 years ago in the Palouse / Clearwater region - a normal whitetail hunting day would have multiple bucks spotted and many does. Now I can go two - three days with out seeing deer at all. I used to see elk daily now maybe once or twice in the deer season.

OK I'm done - trying to stay positive with the season on and all.
I've only had three encounters with wolves, if that's what you want to call it. One time on al elk hunt up on the Olympic Penninsula I was on a stand in an area called "The Promised Land". There as a picnic tble and a trail that led into a very swampy area and I was thinking wouldn't something like a .358 Win. or .35 Whelen be great right here in this spot? About that time a wold somewhee not too far off started howling and others answered back. Sure did make the hair on the back of my neck stand straight and tall. :eek: Sure didn't expect that. People I was hunting with said they'd been irtroduce a few years back. This was around 1976 as I recall. About a year later my buddy and I were out hunting coyotes and deer scouting where this very large dog came running like a bat out of hell maybe 75 yards away never paid us no mind and kept on running as fast as he could put them up and put them ddown. We later discussed and think it was a wolf. About 1983 I was sitting on a stand up in the Kaibab National Forest watching a water hole for deer when I say two "coyotes" a mating pair come out, drink and play and avort about. They had some of the nicest fur, long and silky that was easy to see with the binoculars. I was thinking that one would make a nice rug for a wall and took aim. Something told me maybe I'd better not so I held fire. later on I was talking with a Game Warden and told him of the sighting. He told me that is was most likely one of several mating pairs that had been released in the area and it was a good thing I didn't shoot.
Personally, I think reintorducing an animal that we eliminated is like pizzing up a rope. Dumdazz as hell. :x Works great for the ecofreaks who want to eliminate hunting. Wolves eat all the game so no need for that hunting rifle anymore. Turn it in. The ecofreaks and Brady bunch have a win win situation.
One more wolf encounter that just came to mind. The wife and I were camped in the White mountains of Arizona almost up next to the White mauntain Apache reservation on an elk hunt. One day on the hunt as we were having lunch, a rancher came up and asked if we'd seen a cow that he was looking for. Turned out we had and told him where. That night in camp,about two in the A of M were woke up to some hideous sounds of a large animal in distress. It lasted for maybe 30 minutes give or take and then things got very quiet. There were other campers in the sopt wher we were camps and two others plus myself went to investigate. Guess that rancher will never find his cow. Only what the wolves left. It was not pretty. I guess that you could easily add me to the "shoot'em on sight" crowd if it was legal to do so.
Maybe if those bunnyhuggers would experience a few times what we did and maybe even witness such a kill and watch the animal as it was eaten alive, maybe they might change their tune. Frankly, that's probably wishful thinking and those idiots would root for the wolves. :x
Paul B.
I'm hoping our upcoming seasons reintroduce some healthy respect for people. In parts of my state where cattle are kept and wolves occasionally "disappear" you seldom see a wolf. They're there, they just stick to the thick stuff a lot more. Up in NE MN where there are very few livestock areas, they're much more fearless. I expect a nature hiker or more likely cross country skiier to disappear one of these days. Very brazen wolves. In the BWCA I've had them hang out for an hour or so 100 yards from camp challenging my dog to come out and fight. I've had them follow my fresh trail while snowshoeing into trout lakes. Never quite saw them but had that funny feeling something was there just out of sight. Tracks on my backtrail confirmed that. Several friends up there have had to chase them off fresh deer kills and the wolves trailed them in plain sight all the way to the truck dragging their deer out despite shouts and warning shots. If the deer population gets low enough, and they get hungry enough I expect problems.
Teknys":3mp1r017 said:
OK I'm done - trying to stay positive with the season on and all.

You aren't kidding about that. I hope they take 75% or better of them this year. Run that back to where they should be!
The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act of 1937, most often referred to as the Pittman–Robertson Act, raises funds through excise taxes on firearms and sporting goods - in other words, money contributed by the hunters and fishermen.

The US Fish & Wildlife Service used this sportsmen-funded act to pay for wolf re-inroduction. Here in Montana, wolf management is funded by MT sportsmen and sportswomen who buy fish and game licences and permits. The pro-wolf groups must be laughing at us.
wildgene":3nrssjpi said:

Sadly, I guess this shouldn't come as a surprise. California has been siphoning off state highway fuel tax money for quite a few years now - money that was supposed to help build/maintain highways, roads and bridges is now going into the black hole of the state budget for social programs. The highways/roads and bridges are now crumbling because of a lack of money...

Here in Montana, they began requiring an "Off-Road" sticker, for the first time, on dirt bikes in the late 1980s. A few years ago, they began requiring license plates for dirt bikes and ATVs when ridden/driven on forest roads. I learned about 6 months ago that most of that revenue is being used for purposes other than improving off-road opportunities, which is what was touted as the primary reason for OHV stickers and plates. The exact opposite has in fact occurred. We've lost trail after trail since the 1980s.

Electing responsible representatives and holding them accountable is one cure. Voter initiatives that reverse the trend is another. And, don't ever vote for an initiative that promises to improve opportunity by taxing one group for whatever reason. The money will eventually be stolen - misappropriated.
The tendency is for all governments to throw all moneys into one pocket before fishing around to see what they can spend.
This is kind of like Social Security, you have money allocated one the one hand, but you have politicians with hands-who-steal-this-money, one the other hand and when it is gone, raise license prices to steal more!

Obama is the worst there is because he has no morals and will steal anything!