Wyoming 2016


Nice bullet recovery. The 165 gr BT did its job well.

Congratulations Guy, nice mulie and antelope. Your pictures are great as usual, thanks for posting.
Congrats Guy !
Couple awesome animals and some great photos.
Great photo of the 'yote
And for the record, an 06 and 165 BTs are like peas and carrots in my book.
Guy, as always, you've included some great photos of some fabulous country. Looks like you've had a heck of a year so far and added to the memory bank.
Great story and pictures! I really enjoyed the picture of you glassing in the cold/snow. Looks like an amazing adventure! Congratulations!
That's Tony, not me. He's great. The guy can spot a mule deer 428 miles away. More or less. :grin:
Congratulations Guy, both of those are nice bucks. Looks to be very nice country to be hunting in. I do believe your load will deliver for you on your cow elk hunt.
Nice Pictures Guy looks like you had a excellent trip. Thanks for sharing. I see the 30-06 is still dialed in could it be edging out your 25-06 as your new favorite ?
1100 Remington Man":oh56ehx1 said:
Nice Pictures Guy looks like you had a excellent trip. Thanks for sharing. I see the 30-06 is still dialed in could it be edging out your 25-06 as your new favorite ?

Just using it more this year. I hadn't used this particular rifle at all until this year. With bear and elk hunts looming, I decided it was a perfect year for the .30-06, rather than the .25-06 rifle. Have to admit, with my beat-up shoulder & neck, I'd really taken a liking to the .25-06, but the 700 CDL stock is so kind to me, that the .30-06 isn't a problem.

Besides I've got a buddy out here (not on the Nosler forum) who has told me that the .30-06 is pathetically slow and inadequate for "western" hunting.... I kinda had to show him... Not that my son hasn't been showing him for the past few years on bears & bucks... :mrgreen:

Congratulations on your hunt Mr Miner. Does Mrs Miner accompany you on your trips ? Nothing wrong with the 30-06, we still use and trust the ancient 300 H & H in our family, well except for dad and he has a Weatherby fetish.

Best Regards

"Mama Miner" as she's affectionately known, prefers to NOT hunt or fish with me... She likes it when the frozen, wrapped cuts of meat are securely stowed, and enjoys eating or cooking them, but does not want to see the progression from life to death. She has accompanied me on a couple of short "catch and release" fly fishing trips. I'm okay with that. Do miss her on camping trips though. She won't do that anymore either. I fear she's missing much of the outdoor world she used to enjoy so much.

Great hunt Guy and some wonderful bucks. That part of the country is a wonderful place. Great shooting and congrats on a great trip.
Thanks, hoping to return in 2018, with my youngest son. He'd love it!
Way to go Guy. That looks like a great hunt.

Very cool recovery. Whould'a thought an old 30-06 would work that well! :lol:
Thanks all. Love that whole trip to Wyoming, not just the hunt, but the hunt is really something. Have fallen hard for Wyoming and hope to keep returning for many more hunts!

Adding in Yellowstone and the Bighorn Mountains this year worked out great.
