Wyoming Elk

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
A few years ago my buddy and I horse-packed into the Wind River Mtns in Wyoming. Set up camp at about 9,000, nine miles from the trailhead. We were there in mid September, a few days before the rifle season opened. Spent those days hiking, fishing, scouting for elk, and getting this low-altitude fellow used to the thin air. Located a 5x5 bull, and left him alone after that.

On opening morning we silently walked a narrow game trail towards the area where we'd found the bull a few days earlier. We stopped and bugled in the early morning light. Almost immediately there was an answer! Started moving left and up, towards what we figured was the 5x5... Then a larger, louder bull cut loose. We stopped and watched as he came down off the ridgeline, out of the trees and into an open area. He bugled again, and started thrashing a small tree with his huge antlers.

I popped down into a good solid sitting position, had to sight through a tunnel through the trees, even slipped my arm through the sling, just like I do when match shooting. He was about 180 yards away, and uphill. The 7mm Rem mag barked, I immediately worked the action, but he was already stumbling. In seconds he was down!

Amazingly, the 5x5 we'd been after bugled and came towards us in the timber - even after hearing the rifle shot! We tried to put the sneak on him, and caught glimpses, but my buddy never got a chance for a shot.

We hiked up to my elk, a real nice 6x6 with a 51" spread. Biggest I'd ever shot! The 175 grain Nosler Partition was handloaded to 2930 fps, and had done it's job well. It penetrated through the chest, taking out the big blood vessels atop the heart, as well as the lungs. Exit wound was fairly small, about the size of a .45 cal bullet. I figure the bullet made it through about 3 - 4 feet of elk.


We spent the next two days getting him out to the trailhead, then to town. Did a little more hunting while we were up there, and were snowbound in the tent for a few days too. Made for a great trip! Couldn't have done it without my buddy and his horses!

Looking forward to more high-country hunting! Guy

Beautiful Bull and the great story.
Thanks for sharing.

Thanks! Wish I'd had a digital camera with me. I've got more photos - much better ones of the elk. Might have to try scanning them in...

It was a great hunt! :grin: Guy