Wyoming Preference Points


May 26, 2012
I don't know what's up with Wyoming but if memory serves me the application process deadline used to apply for preference points used to close earlier.

I went online tonight and purchased my usual elk, antelope, and deer points. I couldn't do it earlier as I had to pay some bills. Maybe they've always allowed you to buy points this late but it seems to me like they've extended the time frame. If so I suspect it's too get more money in the coffers. The good thing is it allowed me to purchase points that otherwise would've been unable to purchase.

Anybody else taking advantage of, what seems to me, an extended opportunity?


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Yes they extended the preference point buying period.
No it's not just for money making reasons. The public requested extending the period.
Yes I took advantage and bought some later, just like you I waited till bills eased up.

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