Youngest son's first handgun!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Just bought my youngest son his first handgun:

A .45 ACP Kimber 1911, the basic model, pretty much like mine, but 15 years newer. I think he'll be pleased.

Photos when we get it to the range, likely next week.

Went with the Kimber for a couple of reasons - excellent performance over 15 years of hard use with mine, and then... That doggone youngster was learning to shoot a handgun. Did pretty good with the .22 Ruger, not so great with the revolvers, but willing to learn, and I handed him my .45 Kimber at the range. He proceeded to shoot 'em all into the X and ten rings! It's like he and the 1911 were made for each other... So, when I got a good deal on a brand new Kimber, like today, I bought it.


Wow, what a nice gift for your son!
Without doubt, he is going to love it.

Now might be a good time to "invest" in a Dillion progressive loader. :mrgreen:

I don't doubt that he will be pleased with this handgun. That is a great gift for your son.
Guy, you might have heard this before, but you are to be sincerely commended for encouraging and supporting your son in a clean and soul healthy sport. Great Dad!

Oh! Sweeeet Pistol.
Thanks guys. I hope this one works out as well for him as mine has for me.
Nice, Guy. I wish my dad would have done something like that for me... on the other hand, maybe a little encouragement would have been bad, considering how I turned out...
We spent some time at the range this afternoon. He's doing well, for not having done much handgun shooting before. We started on paper, moved to the steel reactive targets for some fun. I forgot to even try his new Kimber!




50 rounds of 230 gr FMJ Federal American Eagle. All via the Kimber magazine included with the pistol. No malfunctions, and good accuracy when he did his job as the shooter.

At home he got his first lesson in field stripping a 1911, then cleaned, lubed and re-assembled it.

Nice way to spend the afternoon. Seems that he likes that .45 just fine.

Very nice. I am sure that he will love that pistol for the rest of his life. I have four children. The oldest is 6 and the youngest is one. Every couple of years, I try to pick up something that I plan to give one of my children for a special occasion, i.e. high school/college graduation. This year I purchased a RMEF banquet Browning Hi-Power. Next year who knows. I can't wait till they get to that age. And then again...
That is way cool, Guy. What a great way to spend the day with your son.
It is nice to get and give stuff to your kids to use in the outdoors. Hopefully these thing will get lots of use and will be remembered along with their dad long after they have been passed on.
I think he'll do okay with that OT3.

He uses the heck out of the mountain bike I got him a few years ago and has worn out a couple sets of hiking boots too.

Really enjoys owning and shooting several "family" guns:

12 ga Rem 870 he inherited from his grandfather.
6mm Rem 700, given to me nearly 40 years ago, his for the past 8 years.
.257 Wby/Mauser 98 - built by Weatherby for my son's great-grandfather - in the shop currently - again...
.30-06 Model of 1917 that he keeps "borrowing" from me - this rifle has been used by 4 generations of our family.

He seems to treasure those old rifles. I think he'll get a lot of use from the .45 Kimber over the years.

Sure hope so!

Very cool. 8)
I envision a future thread about the father-son competition and the prize is a burger, fries and milk shake. :mrgreen:
It sure looks like your son is enjoying his new Kimber.

May he never have to draw it in anger but if he does my wish is that the one bloodied is not your son.