Your First Continued


Nov 25, 2013
To keep the new thread started by TexasLife going:

What is your first, most used and favourite cartridge in each caliber?

17 Cal:
17 Mach II - first, only one used, and favourite
20 Cal:
204 Ruger - first, only one used and favourite
22 Cal:
22LR - first
22 LR - most used
222 Rem - favourite used to date
24 Cal:
6mm - first
243 Win - most used
240 Wby - would like to use and have it become my favourite...
25 Cal:
250 WSSM - first
250 Savage - most used
250 Savage - favourite to date - hoping my AI will become my favourite
6.5 Cal:
provided in post in TexasLife's thread
27 Cal:
270 Win - first
270 Wby - most used
270 Wby - favourite
7mm Cal:
280 Rem - first
7MM STW - most used
280 Rem - favourite
30 Cal:
30-30 first used
300 WSM - most used
300 WSM - favourite
311 Cal:
303 British - first used
303 - only one used
no favourite
8mm Cal:
8MM Rem Mag - first used
325 WSM - most used
no favourite
338 Cal:
338 Win Mag - first used
338 Win Mag - most used
338 Federal - favourite
35 Cal:
358 Win - first used
358 Win - most used
358 Win - favourite
9.3 Cal:
9.3 x 64 - first used
9.3 x 62 - most used
9.3 x 62 favourite
375 Cal:
375 Win - first used
375 Win - most used
376 Steyr - favourite
40 Cal:
40 S&W - first
40 S&W - most used
40 S&W - favourite - 10mm may replace it
41 Cal:
41 Rem Mag - first
41 Rem Mag - most used
41 Rem Mag - favourite
416 Cal:
416 Rigby - first used
416 Taylor most used
416 Taylor - favourite
45 Cal:
45-70 - first used
45-70 - most used
45 Colt - favourite
50 + cal:
510 Wells - first used
510 Wells - most used (at 2 rounds! LOL)
no favourite!
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In .22.... the .22LR is easily my favorite. I sorta thought like O'Connor...the fast 22s are painted hussies that'll let you down.

in .30 cal...I've done a lot of hunting with the .308 and the .300WSM- like em both, a lot. I also like the 300WM but the WSM is my "go-to" when something needs killing. I've done a fair bit with the '06, not my favorite cartridge but it sure works.

I've only used the sub 30s a few times- mainly 6.5s, 7-08, and 270s. I've had a lot of them, but other folks did more shooting with them than I did.

Over 30s...I really like the .375 H&H and .375 RUG. Never did a lot of killing with them, but I liked them. Never liked the 33s, always seemed neither fish nor fowl. Too big for casual shooting, too little to seriously whomp stuff with fangs and claws.

I liked the .416 Rigby too, but it ultimately was just too much of a good thing.
Thanks, because I don't have a 26/6.5 and never have. But...

.20 cal, the 204 Ruger of course! :)
22 rimfire, well heck ya, and my Marlin rifle handles shorts, long and long rifles just fine.
.22 centerfire - without a doubt, .223/5.56
.243 - well mine is a 6mm Rem, given to me nearly 50 years ago and it still shoots great. My son took a mulie buck with it last year
.25... Though i have 257 Weatherby, it's pretty beat up and I have the utmost confidence in my 25-06 Remington 700 CDL.
.284 - I've only had 7mm Rem Mag rifles - they all did just great!
.30... My most commonly used is a tossup between the 308 and the 30-06. I've also used the 30-30, 300 Win mag and the 300 Rem Ultra mag
.375 - well of course, the 375 H&H mag. Several bears have fallen to it.
.458" - I've been messing with the 45-70 Marlin for 20+ years and really like it. Haven't hunted much with it though.

So, there ya go except for the .50 cal traditional muzzle loader that bought me a couple of mule deer long ago.

Regards, Guy
My first rifle was a Stevens rolling block 22. Dad got that for me when I was six, we lived at Ft. Wainwright. Killed grouse, ducks and backed dad up on moose, grizz and blackbear and caribou. On those occasions I was with him I would shoot immediately after he shot. Also “helped” some of his buddies out. The rifle was stolen when we moved to Oregon when I was 11 or so.
.22 rim fire; Ruger 10-22 circa 1966; Browning semi auto and lever action;
.22 Center fire; #1 .22-250 my first #1. AR platform .223/556
.243; Ruger #1, took a couple of Black Tail deer with it.
.257; .257 Roberts- ruger #1; Savage 99 250/3000 never should have sold it. Years ago I should have bought a .25/06 or a .257 bee. In my experience two vastly underrated cartridges.
6.5/264. Dad had a 264 Wm he used to great effect in Alaska and later in Oregon. It wasn’t until much later I appreciate the caliber. I own two 6.5 creedmor. Grandson has one, wont give it back and I hate the other one.
Never owned a 270
.284; #1 in 275 Rigby probably my favorite deer rifle anymore.
.30; Started with an 03a3 when I was 12; bought a Ruger 77 when I was 13 (54 years ago) still use that rifle quite a bit
owned a model 70 300 Wm for a couple of seasons, sent it down the road.
owned a couple of old 30-30s (94) as trading stock
8mm; five seasons with an 8mm Remington mag.
338 win. Couple of years
338 Jarrett; my absolute favorite rifle
375HH; model 70 and Ruger#1
45/70 marlin
45colt, winchester 73
450 Bushmaster; my float plane rifle
577 Nitro express
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My first rifle was a Remington 510 Target Master single shot .22 rim fire when I was 10. A birthday gift from a cousin.
Graduated to a 1965 Ruger 1022 that I bought my self.
Got a used Marlin 366 30-30 for Christmas when I was 14.
From there it was a Rem 725 30-06 700 243 257 Roberts 03A3 30-06 Win M1 Sniper 30-06 that I sold and wish I still had. Rebarreled the 725 to 257 Roberts because I shot the barrel out and have owned 5 30-06s one of which was rebored to 35 Whelen AI and still have one in the safe.
Win M47 .22 hornet my favorite .22 center fire.
7mm Rem 300 WM 338 WM.
If I could only have one it would be my M77 30-06.
My first rifle was a Remington model Six 6mm Remington, got my first whitetail several whitetail with it.

As of today.
223 Remington ar15

6mmBR Norma, most accurate ,my favorite
6mm AI
6mm Creedmoor ar10
6mm Creedmoor target rifle, most used

260AI, favorite
264 Win Mag ,new
6.5 wsm
26 Nosler

270wsm, most used
270 weatherby
27 Nosler, favorite

7mm wsm
28 Nosler, favorite

300 Winchester magnum ×5, (obviously my favorite) lol.
30 Nosler
300 RUM

358 Grant
22 cal is a Marlin model 60 .22
24 cal is a Ruger American .243 I picked up at a pawn shop for $100. It was a steal considering how accurate the rifle is.
26 cal is my new X bolt in 6.5 creed
27 cal is my late fathers Remington 700 ADL .270 win that I have taken more deer with than I can remember
28 cal I have a Tikka 7Mag and savage 110 in 7-08. I like the 7 Mag accuracy but I like the 7-08 recoil lol
30 cal I have a Remington 700 ADL in 30-06 that I got on sale for $329 which again was a steal because that sucker shoots!!
First rifle I got was a Remington 7400 in 308 Win. I hunted with this rifle 20+ years before replacing it with my 30-378 Wby.
Others firsts as follows:
.20 Cal - H&R 204 Ruger
.22 Cal - Wby S2 223 Rem.
.243 Cal - Howa rebarreled 6mm Creed.
.257 Cal - Wby S2 257 Wby
.264 Cal - Howa 6.5 Creed.
.284 Cal - Wby S2 7mm-08 Rem. By far my favorite non-magnun cartridge
.308 - Cal 1’st Remington 7400 308 Win.
Favorite Wby Mark V 30-378
.338 Cal - Savage 112 338 Lapua was favorite magnum until I got my 416 Wby.
.358 Cal - CVA 35 Whelen.
.416 Cal - Wby Mark V 416 Wby. Hands down favorite cartridge
.458 Cal - Wby Mark V 460 Wby. Tied 2’nd place with my 338 Lapua for favorite magnum.
.17 Cal. .17 HMR Ruger 77/17 VBZ
.22 Cal .22LR Marlin 39A.
.223 Cal. .223 Rem. Remington 700 VSSF II.
.243 Cal. 6mm Rem Remington 700 BDL.
.264 Cal. .264 Win Mag Model 70 XTR.
.308 Cal. 300 H&H Mag Model 70 Pre-War.
I enjoy all above and match the Rifle to the Game.

Now if I had to thin down my Big Game Rifle‘s and have just one. .280 Rem with a 26 inch barrel, since I reload.
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