I bought a scale to measure some factory charge weights and to see the different powders, since I will be using it to reload soon.
3006 150gr ammo ----
Fed shok 57.0 gr
Of ball powder. Very accurate.
Fusion , extruded 51.8 gr . Not accurate.
Interlock , ball powder 52.0 gr Not accurate.
Scirocco , ball powder 54.0 gr very accurate.
I have read seating depths and charge weights are the most important for accuracy and powder selection not so important, staying with reloading data of course !!!!!
Oh yeah ! I found some 150 gr. NABs and bought 100 of them !
Just a few more things and a press and I'll be ready !
I have imr 4064 and h 414.
Thanks !
3006 150gr ammo ----
Fed shok 57.0 gr
Of ball powder. Very accurate.
Fusion , extruded 51.8 gr . Not accurate.
Interlock , ball powder 52.0 gr Not accurate.
Scirocco , ball powder 54.0 gr very accurate.
I have read seating depths and charge weights are the most important for accuracy and powder selection not so important, staying with reloading data of course !!!!!
Oh yeah ! I found some 150 gr. NABs and bought 100 of them !
Just a few more things and a press and I'll be ready !
I have imr 4064 and h 414.
Thanks !