Three new shooters!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Over the weekend I introduced three women to shooting handguns! Well, one had shot before, 12 - 15 years earlier and another had shot a few times with a .22 rifle when she was a little girl, maybe 20 years ago. The other had never fired a shot.

They were doing pretty doggone good by the end of the day. Put them through a very basic class. Started out with the why's and whats of a handgun. We put in about four hours of classroom time, took a lunch break then headed to the range where we shot .22's, .380 & .38 Spl. It was a good day. One of them, the brand new shooter, really took to it and is enthusiastic about joining our gun club and hauling her husband and son along. She's a pretty decent shot now, and very happy to be shooting the little .380 she got a few months ago.

Just had to brag 'em up a bit. They went from very timid and under-educated about firearms, to very safe, well informed gun handlers in eight hours. I thought that was pretty cool.

Not only cool, but exciting. We need more of such good instruction. I've had several incidents at the range when a fellow brought his girl friend or wife and tried to teach her to shoot only to frustrate her. On several occasions, I've asked if I could have opportunity to provide some instruction to the lady. In each instance, she is shooting good groups within a very short time. Many men seem to have something to prove when they are working with their wife and/or girl friend. I have witnessed on several occasions the lady shooting more accurately than the man within a very brief time--she listens to instruction and in shooting a firearm she can handle. Good job, Guy.
That's great Guy! Educating new shooters is really the only way we can fight to keep our 2A rights. I've converted several people I work with into recreational shooters, one of them is even going elk hunting this fall.
This is great for our sport. Women seem to be so much easier to teach too, must be that whole macho-man thing.
This is awesome!
Thank you Guy for being a good represenative for the shooting sports and armed citizenery.
Thanks guys. I'm planning to do a LOT more of this over the next few months.
Guy, you said that you were looking for part time gun work? It seems to me that if you can have more 8 hour classes for new or Tenderfoot shooters, particularly the wives, that would be a heck of a public service. This is especially true in Washington State where the media is so anti-gun. I can NOT get my wife to shoot, she says that God will protect her and I keep saying, help God a bit and learn to shoot.

Having me teach here would probably work as well as trying to teach my two daughter's to drive! It is nice to have a non relative, non threatening male, who is as versed as a retiring policeman to do this service. If you lived near me, I would try and talk her into going to your class.