US Capitol Under Siege

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
What are these people thinking?
I'm all for peaceful demonstration but to break into the Nations Capitol and vandalize the interior is unthinkable.
Police officers have been injured and one person has been shot and is in critical condition.
Now the tristate area,DC MD VA National Guard is being called in to take the Capitol Building back from the protesters.
Agreed, a riot is a riot, no matter who starts it or why. Call out the Guard and clear the streets. Use whatever force is necessary.
Ditto. If there was fraud, it needs to be proven. I have seen reports of fraud, but no conclusive evidence.
Today’s behavior is over the top..

Mob rule is not how we roll...

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Its just crazy. Things probably fixing to just get worse.

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Antifa is being blamed for breaking in to the Capitol.
Police shot a woman and there is a video on face book with an EMT screaming we can save her.
Last reports is she died.
Some times we hire idiots or fools to run the country. Thats a fact. Dosent matter who your preference is/was. The point behind a democracy is that we can vote them out.... by being involved in the process we agree to abide by those rules. The other advantage of a democracy is that no matter who "wins" and what there alleged agenda is we can be involved in the process to change or stop that in the mean time. And then, if the majority says so we can vote them out... Guess this thread aint about that though.
All I can say now is the persons breaking there way into the capitol have done more harm than good to their point of view, and perhaps made things worse for all of us. My opinion- CL
I've been praying a lot for peace for our nation.

For our future.

There's got to be some way to heal the rift. Each side dislikes the other so much. I don't know the path, so I keep praying about it.

Gave up my conservative "rants" - they weren't doing much except allowing me to vent. Ticking off a bunch of my liberal friends and relatives. No real point in that. Now I pray, and time to time if I get a question, I'll answer it as best I can. Keeping my own anger in check.

The riot in DC yesterday was awful. What's happened in several cities for the past few months is awful. Our country, our people, should be better than this.

Guy Miner":x9o7mpau said:
I've been praying a lot for peace for our nation.

For our future.

There's got to be some way to heal the rift. Each side dislikes the other so much. I don't know the path, so I keep praying about it.

Gave up my conservative "rants" - they weren't doing much except allowing me to vent. Ticking off a bunch of my liberal friends and relatives. No real point in that. Now I pray, and time to time if I get a question, I'll answer it as best I can. Keeping my own anger in check.

The riot in DC yesterday was awful. What's happened in several cities for the past few months is awful. Our country, our people, should be better than this.


We need a coach that everyone wants to play for. Not just half of the team. A good coach doesn’t tear down his players. He builds them up.
In the 1960's the Russian Communist party and president said they would destroy this country from with in with out firing a shot and it looks like it is happening.
First Seattle and now the Capitol.
I'm wondering what is next, a political Civil War?
That may sound strong but it sure looks like it.
Guy Miner":23k9ha0d said:
I've been praying a lot for peace for our nation.

For our future.

There's got to be some way to heal the rift. Each side dislikes the other so much. I don't know the path, so I keep praying about it.

Gave up my conservative "rants"

Me too. The venting was frustrating me as so many poorly informed people believe CNN is reporting facts.

The corruption runs deep in DC.

The answer is not socialism or communism. It’s to be transparent and law abiding. The people in DC yesterday were really stretching law abiding. At risk of making some forum members mad at me. I’ve seen evidence that requires investigating, I didn’t see proof. If they couldn’t demonstrate enough in courts in two months of legal actions and suits...then if it happened they had the wrong lawyers there. Taking the law into your own hands and storming the capital is not how you resolve disagreements in a democratic republic.

Agree with you Guy, and like Truck Driver, I think it did more to tarnish true conservatism... not that the liberal media hasn’t already cast a false light on it.

Very annoyed. I’ll focus on my health and hobbies and be ready to vote in the next election.

I am a supporter of term limits.

Power corrupts, and politicians accumulate too much power as the years go on and the risk of
Cronyism and corruption goes up.

Two terms in the house, one in the senate. If they moved from
The house to the senate... they become
Career politicians.

Lobbyist bother me less than career politicians. Every time you swap Congress people, lobbyist have to start over.

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truck driver":2n1ath9v said:
In the 1960's the Russian Communist party and president said they would destroy this country from with in with out firing a shot and it looks like it is happening.
First Seattle and now the Capitol.
I'm wondering what is next, a political Civil War?
That may sound strong but it sure looks like it.

Unfortunately, you may be right. One thing our oh so patriotic politicians learned yesterday. They're vulnerable. They just got scared stiff.
Paul B.
Well said, Guy. I'm unapologetically conservative, and I had no patience for the mobs that were rioting and burning over the summer. And by the same token, I called out the mobs who broke into the Capitol yesterday (and those who incited them). That is not peaceful protest, by any definition.

Nearly all of my close friends are former military, some were career officers. All of us lean to the Right politically. All of us were disgusted by what we saw.

Both sides need to come back to the center, or we will not survive.
It is going to get worse before it gets better, especially for we the law abiding gun owner. With a Democrat controlled Presidency House and Senate life as we know it is going to change. Their anti gun agenda will now be able to go unchecked. Based on the initiatives that were on the Biden website before he was elected when that agenda is enacted many of us will be felons.
It appears now that Antifa definitely had a hand in it and with their relations with the Democrat Party one has to start wondering if this was a setup. The electoral vote and subsequent objections were to be heard and I would say they were definitely interrupted. The CNN reporter that interviewed the left winger in the building directly after the incident eventually tried to hide the interview but that didn't work out so well. The Woman that was shot is another story. She was outside the building standing with security personnel when a shot came through the window from the inside striking her in the neck. She bled to death with people watching. The video tells it all and now their trying to cover the shooters butt. It will be "interesting" to see what the investigation turns up. Pretty hard to argue with a video.
I have waited what I feel is sufficient time to post on this subject.

Our nation is becoming a Third World country before our eyes. I do not hide the fact that I wouldn’t be opposed to the two political sides divorcing each other and becoming two separate countries.

Our forefathers never envisioned career politicians or the monstrous, and out of control, federal government that we have. The states have abdicated their rightful sovereign power to the federal government in exchange for a share of our tax dollars.

Just the ramblings of someone that doesn’t want to live under the yoke of tyranny. I pray that next time the War Of Northern Aggression is fought that the right side is victorious. It sure wasn’t the first time from a Constitutional viewpoint.

The fact that some ridiculous band of people even got into the White House is an instant red flag to me. Any reasonable amount of security would have stopped this way sooner. I don't see how they weren't merely let in. Of course while trying to make it look like that wasn't the case.