99 Savage 250 Savage.


Mar 6, 2017
Picked up a Bushnell 1.5-4.5 for my 99. Had to drive out the rear sight because it extends to the rear and the front bell of the scope hit it. Will have to pick up a filler, or a rear 99 sight that just sits at the dovetail in the barrel. High rings would fix it also, but I like it this way.

Anyways loaded up some of the 100 gr speer H.C's that I picked up. Loaded them with IMR 4350. According to load data H4350 would be a better fit producing more speed, and from what I read is also accurate with 100 gr bullets, but I don't have any so went with IMR.

Single charges checking pressure and speed, then 3 at the top. Data showed it would be too slow to suit me at low or mid charges, so I figured if the top load didn't work, I'd go a different route. Went 1/2 gr over max as max showed a compressed load, but still well under max pressure with Remington cases. The Hornady cases I'm using gives me some more room.

2750, 2756, 2750 were the chrono'd speeds from the 20" barrel. Shot roughly 1.250. High shot I feel the rifle slipped on the rear bag at the shot, will know next time I shoot it. Not a bad little setup.

Neat looking combo and groups not bad for just getting started. Should make for a nice deer rifle. Dan.
With you on the no go on the high rings…

Looks like a fun rifle and load!

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Sound like a broken record on this, but like everybody else I'm making the best with what I got right now.

If/when components become more available, I'd like to try Big Game powder with 100 gr bullets.....supposedly yields 2850 in a 20" barrel and stays low enough on pressure to use in 99's older than this one.

The Speer's should work fine at mild velocities, but 100 gr partitions at the same speed or faster would be more reliable with bigger deer or bad angles.