Wyoming 2015


Dec 24, 2006
Well, we had a great trip to Wyoming this Fall. My first time hunting in Wyoming for elk. Can't say I was let down at all. I'll try to get the pictures in order as they played out, but go easy on me!

Anyhow, I left Camp Lejeune, NC and traveled to Northern Va in order to pick up my gear and Joel. We then set the truck North to NY in order to pick up the third member of our hunting partner. Matt isn't a member of this forum, but might be coaxed on to it eventually.. After getting into NY, all three of us crashed at my mothers house in Upstate NY. The following morning we started packing all of the stuff into the truck.

With a little careful packing and some Tetris like maneuvers we finally got it all in there.

We got on the road about 0800L in the morning and started driving West finally. Joel and Matt had never driven with me before, so it was a little bit of experience for them to put those kinda miles in without stopping for much more than some fuel for the diesel and some snacks and coffee... :grin: The closer I get the west the less I wanna stop...

We did stop for breakfast outside of Paxton, NE for some chow. Well worth the stop in my opinion.

Finally broke into Wyoming shortly thereafter. Was great to see that sign.

WE did have to stop for a pee break so I snuck away and grab some tourist pictures...

Just about the time we got into the area where we were turning off of I80, Bill called me and said he had some truck problems down in Pocatello, ID. He asked if I could drop off the fellas at camp, set up the tent and the following morning head down to Idaho and grab his camper and 4 wheeler. No problem there. We pulled into camp about 2230L and got the tent set up, grabbed a couple Z's and woke up in the morning. Left Joel and Matt in camp then headed for Bill and Will in Idaho.

Got down to Bill around 0930-1000 and loaded up the quad and RV then started moving back towards Wyoming.

Bill and I by Palisades resevoir...

Finally, we got back into camp and set up our home for the next week. Pretty nice piece of ground.

Well, then Bill and I went out and did a little scouting. First morning out we spotted a big bull out in the open and some young bulls in a shoving match. Bill assured me we would find some cows to fill our tags in no time tomorrow.

It was good to be in Wyoming..

Some pictures of the bulls..

The opening morning found us back in the same area. Bill went up in the morning with me. We had a decent chance at a cow at about 450 yards or so, but she never quite turned broadside, so the Mashburn remained silent.

Later on the morning Bill had to go and make a call to check on his truck. Well, just about as soon as he left, I glassed a small herd of about 15 animals moving from the timber to a nice meadow feeding their way towards Will, our 5th member of the group. Well, around 1400, Will put the 300 Win to good use and hammered a big old cow. Put an excellent shot on her and ended his hunt with about a 200 yard shot. Well, that herd then turned and started back towards me. By this time Bill had returned to my position and we heard the elk moving below us but never really in sight. After the noises stopped Bill and I dropped down a little and decided to see if we could locate and close with em..

I am sure if we were moving for more than about 15 minutes and I spotted a cow feeding in some downed overgrowth right next to the creek. Had an excellent shot at that point but we couldn't ID if it had horns or not. Being it was about 1600, the sun was straight in our eyes so between me trying to find a suitable shooting position and Bill trying to sneak in and steal my rifle it was fairly comical!

Anyhow, finally a cow stepped into the clearing that I was able to get a bead on after stealing Bill's pack to get some elevation over the vegetation, I asked, which was is she facing? Bill says, to the right, well, I put the Mashburn on her shoulder and pressed the trigger. After the shot I lost her and asked, where is she? Bill stated she is right where you shot her, dead...... We did a little congratulating...

Here is where we were standing and the cows were down in the bottom..

Standing there, about 3 cows ran in front of Bill, one darn near modeled for him to kill her, but I guess it was too early in the hunt for Bill to end it, so he passed... :lol:

We moved to my elk, which was a yearling cow and skinned and quartered her up.. 160 AB did an excellent job. Straight in and out leaving a dead elk in it's path.. I was happy..

We celebrated in camp that night. Hard to beat two elk down in the first day...
The next day Bill took another elk with the old 7mm Rem Mag. Matt was saying he thought a group of Taliban must've crossed into Wyoming since there was so much shooting going on, but at the end of the there was another elk on the meat pole. Pretty danged happy times in camp.

Well, at that, we had two bull tags left and Matt was the next one to capitalize on it. That night he ran down another small herd and was able to take a nice 6x6.

Anyhow, by this point, Will and I were becoming pack animals for the party. Moved alot of meat off the mountains this Fall. All happy steps though!

So now it just left the 5th hunter, Joel Douglas, the Air Force's contribution to our hunting partner. Par for the course, we saved the best for last. Joel and Bill hiked up into the hunting area at first light and Joel assassinated a good bull at 200 yards offhand with his trusty 30-06 and 165AB.. Bull went about 25-30 yards and keeled over dead!

Not too bad for the last day of hunting. PLUS, we got lucky and another hunter with horses was kind enough to run up on the mountain and retrieve the bull for us!

Anyhow, in 6 days of hunting we were able to fill 5 tags. Pretty banner year in the elk woods for me!

Here are some other pictures of our trip as well.

Camp around the meat pole!

Matt and I on the mountain..

Some elk tenderloin taco's Matt made up.

Some elk packing pictures

Some art we found up on the mountain...

Some smoked salmon, cheese and crackers after a successful packout..

Anyhow, hope you all enjoy the pictures. Was a great hunt with an AWESOME camp of elk hunters. Everyone hunted hard, backed each other up looking for animals and pitched in all the time. Couldn't be beat!
Superb account of a great hunt. Congratulations to each of you. Your hunt was just excellent! (y)
An outstanding write up Scotty, and beautiful pictures, great job. I went into the hunt thinking three elk was pretty doable, never did I even dream that all 5 of us would tag out, these memories will last a long time. A great hunt with an outstanding bunch of young men.

Congrats on a great hunt. It's nice when folks work together and make it happen.


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Oh man! 5 for 5! You guys had an great hunt for sure! Those pictures are gorgeous and great write up as well.

Full freezers for all involved!
Great story and pictures. You fellas had a great hunt for sure.
Congratulations to all of you.

Thanks for the write up Scotty! I am fortunate to have been able to participate.

Notable comments from the abyss of my memory:

"I've been followed by horses that were quieter than you."

"We are out of whiskey"

"I'm gonna make Nebraska my (beep)."

I overheard a PhD and a Masters Degree holder detailing statistical analysis, or something to that effect, in the backcountry. I may also have a Masters degree, but mine is in Agriculture!

All in all I saw 5 moose, several elk, numerous mule deer, 5 blue grouse, a bald eagle, a couple shooting stars, got snowed on briefly at around 9500 ft. A great trip!
Some other photos
