Well, we had a great trip to Wyoming this Fall. My first time hunting in Wyoming for elk. Can't say I was let down at all. I'll try to get the pictures in order as they played out, but go easy on me!
Anyhow, I left Camp Lejeune, NC and traveled to Northern Va in order to pick up my gear and Joel. We then set the truck North to NY in order to pick up the third member of our hunting partner. Matt isn't a member of this forum, but might be coaxed on to it eventually.. After getting into NY, all three of us crashed at my mothers house in Upstate NY. The following morning we started packing all of the stuff into the truck.

With a little careful packing and some Tetris like maneuvers we finally got it all in there.

We got on the road about 0800L in the morning and started driving West finally. Joel and Matt had never driven with me before, so it was a little bit of experience for them to put those kinda miles in without stopping for much more than some fuel for the diesel and some snacks and coffee... :grin: The closer I get the west the less I wanna stop...
We did stop for breakfast outside of Paxton, NE for some chow. Well worth the stop in my opinion.

Finally broke into Wyoming shortly thereafter. Was great to see that sign.

WE did have to stop for a pee break so I snuck away and grab some tourist pictures...

Just about the time we got into the area where we were turning off of I80, Bill called me and said he had some truck problems down in Pocatello, ID. He asked if I could drop off the fellas at camp, set up the tent and the following morning head down to Idaho and grab his camper and 4 wheeler. No problem there. We pulled into camp about 2230L and got the tent set up, grabbed a couple Z's and woke up in the morning. Left Joel and Matt in camp then headed for Bill and Will in Idaho.

Got down to Bill around 0930-1000 and loaded up the quad and RV then started moving back towards Wyoming.

Bill and I by Palisades resevoir...

Finally, we got back into camp and set up our home for the next week. Pretty nice piece of ground.

Anyhow, I left Camp Lejeune, NC and traveled to Northern Va in order to pick up my gear and Joel. We then set the truck North to NY in order to pick up the third member of our hunting partner. Matt isn't a member of this forum, but might be coaxed on to it eventually.. After getting into NY, all three of us crashed at my mothers house in Upstate NY. The following morning we started packing all of the stuff into the truck.

With a little careful packing and some Tetris like maneuvers we finally got it all in there.

We got on the road about 0800L in the morning and started driving West finally. Joel and Matt had never driven with me before, so it was a little bit of experience for them to put those kinda miles in without stopping for much more than some fuel for the diesel and some snacks and coffee... :grin: The closer I get the west the less I wanna stop...
We did stop for breakfast outside of Paxton, NE for some chow. Well worth the stop in my opinion.

Finally broke into Wyoming shortly thereafter. Was great to see that sign.

WE did have to stop for a pee break so I snuck away and grab some tourist pictures...

Just about the time we got into the area where we were turning off of I80, Bill called me and said he had some truck problems down in Pocatello, ID. He asked if I could drop off the fellas at camp, set up the tent and the following morning head down to Idaho and grab his camper and 4 wheeler. No problem there. We pulled into camp about 2230L and got the tent set up, grabbed a couple Z's and woke up in the morning. Left Joel and Matt in camp then headed for Bill and Will in Idaho.

Got down to Bill around 0930-1000 and loaded up the quad and RV then started moving back towards Wyoming.

Bill and I by Palisades resevoir...

Finally, we got back into camp and set up our home for the next week. Pretty nice piece of ground.