Range trip, two Kimbers

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Sorry guys, no photos.

A work buddy just picked up a neat Kimber .45 with the aluminum frame and the shorter, 4" barrel & slide. Neat pistol, despite being just the base model without a lot of bells & whistles. He's been carrying a full size, all steel 1911 Kimber for a while. Like mine, only a LOT newer.

Today we took the brand new pistol out, along with a few hundred rounds of 230 gr hardball ammo and had at it. Two minor hiccups, both likely caused by the low-budget ammo we were using. Other than that, the new gun functioned flawlessly. Accurate. Much lighter than the full size steel gun, it also had quite a bit more muzzle flip and thumped the hand a little harder. Not as easy to perform fast "controlled pairs" or "double taps" as with the full size gun.

When he mentioned that, I let him put a dozen rounds downrange from my .44 mag. He didn't talk about the new Kimber kicking much anymore! :grin:

Dang, I sure like shooting.
guy, it sounds like he might have the pro carry II which is the model I carry 99 percent of the time. I've never had a hiccup and it functions with everything I have fed it so far. great handgun.
Guy I shoot full house loads in my .44, too. We were at this range in AZ, and this guy wanted to shoot my pistol. I said get a hold of it. He touched it off and dam near dropped it. He said "Why don't you down load this a little?" I said "Why don't you stick to a .38?"
BRM - it is the Pro Carry II, I forgot which model. Kimber has so doggone many models anymore I can't keep them all straight in my head.

Good guns though. This is his second. My 1911 habit rubbed off on him I'm afraid... :grin:

Too Tall - mostly with the .44 mag, I shoot a fairly easy-going load, 9 grains of Unique and a 250 gr LSWC, but yeah, I'll shoot the full-house loads quite a bit too... They're fun. :grin: