My first 1911


Jan 14, 2008
I've owned a few pistols over the years but never a 1911. I wanted a Kimber and could not get myself to pick up one of the lesser $$ deals on other makes that you see now and again. I have shoot a few other persons 1911s and just liked the feel of the Kimber in my hand.
I brought home a Custom Target II Stainless this last weekend. Cleaned it up and shot about 30 rounds thru it before dark. Cleaned it up again.
I like it !!
I don't pretend to be any expert - just a newbie to the 1911 frame. Any thing I should know about this gun?
I am an admitted 1911 junkie. I have cleaned myself up a bit and currently only own 2. First is a SA Range officer 45 and the second is a Kimber SS Ultra Carry 9mm. You DEFINATELY picked a good one, I love my Kimber and it is my go to for carry. stupid accurate and a joy to shoot. The only advice I can give on the Kimber is they don't like to be dirty, at least mine doesn't. Winchester white box 230 FMJ and Remington 230 MC shoot pretty clean, stay away from federal AE and RTP, super dirty. There are some relatively inexpensive JHP loads too but for punching paper its too expensive for me and I stick with the FMJs.
Congratulations on your new Kimber 1911. The only suggestion I can offer is to save up the money, you will want to buy another one! :mrgreen:

My daughter used my Tactical Pro II 45 ACP to pass her CPL class.


Hmmmmmm! 1911 Junky let me see now all I own are custom built either factory or by a pistol Smith. SA 1911 .45 acp custom shop built by Les Bare when he worked for them a 70 series Colt .45acp custom Krieger rails and a custom Kart barrel a custom 1911 .38spl wad cutter, 38 Super custom built and a DCM 1911 with a .22lr top end for practice and some target work as a back up to my hammerlii 208. I guess that qualifies me as a 1911 Junky.
Enjoy the Kimber they are nice.
Best advice I can give to a new 1911 shooter is to always have your thumb riding on the safety and use a two thumbs up grip. And be prepared to load ammo by the 1000s. You'll need em. I use the plated bullets for practice ammo.
Truck, I wasn't quite that bad but close. I had to thin the heard so that I could get the wife an son a few they can shoot and enjoy. I have since added a 442 Centennial Airweight 38 and M&P Shield 9 for the wife, an M&P 9 full size and Rossi R98 6" for my son.
26NosFan, mine are all target pistols that I use in NRA Bullseye competition. I also have S&W and Colt revolvers for other things.
My apologies to the OP I didn't intend to steal your post with my comments.
Kimber 1911's are usually real good - now and again a problem comes up, but mine has performed very well over the years.

Shoot that Kimber a lot, clean it as necessary. It'll be there for you when you need it.

Quality mags & ammo help.

Regards, Guy