Which rifles are on your wish list?


Nov 25, 2013
Found myself thinking of some of the rifles that I have been wishing to find over the years, as well as some that I have been learning about and am now hoping find.

Perhaps someone here knows where the following rifles can be found?

Or wants to share their wish list?

My list includes:

1) Winchester Model 88 in 284 Win, or
2) Browning BLR in 284 Win
3) Ruger No. 1 RSI in 6.5 x 55 Swedish Mauser
4) Ruger M77 RSI in 250 Savage in either the 1984 blued version or the Lipsey's 2009 stainless version
5) Ruger 10/22 Mannlicher stainless black laminated
6) Sako Vixen 221 Fireball
7) Marlin l/a in 356 Win
8) Marlin l/a in 41 Rem Mag
Nice list. Mostly I wish I would make more time to shoot the rifles I have. My reloading bench is backed up with projects from two rifles and a revolver.

Now scopes, I could create a wish list for some upgrades....
I can not believe I am saying this but none. I have everything I need/want and then some!
Blkram - I don't have any of the guns on your list, might find something similar to a couple of those in my gunsafe though.

I'm with Fotis - really don't want or need ANY more rifles. I'm likely to be thinning the herd over the next few years.

I have all the rifles I need and want, but I sure wish I could afford some of the shotguns that you guys recommended in my new shotgun thread
yukon huntress":3osdsqil said:
I have all the rifles I need and want, but I sure wish I could afford some of the shotguns that you guys recommended in my new shotgun thread

Just find a well used but functionally sound 3" Rem 870 and be done with it. Treat it like a spare canoe paddle, they like that.

As for rifles, my wishlist tends to run towards military collectables. The one commercial I can think of and will be actively searching for is a Rem 81 in .300 Savage in fine shape. Saw a couple at the last big show but had no overtime in my account yet.
Old army guns: Ross, either in .280 or .303. Lee Navy 6mm. G43. Finn capture SVT 40, Norwegian or Danish Krag, Swedish M94 carbine, Dutch Mannlicher, Latin American rolling block in .43 Spanish or 7x57. "Trapdoor" Springfield.
Must be the difference of my younger years, that there are so many rifles that I would still,like to own or build. Not sure if I can picture myself not wanting or needing another rifle. Yet!

I realized after I started this post that I had forgotten to list the Remington Model 7 Custom MS in 250-3000 or 35 Remington.
About 25 years ago I traded a savage 99 in 250-3000 to a Snohomish county Deputy for a Walther PPK S. Every time I see him the first thing he says is "no". I sure miss that rifle, can't remember what I traded the PPK for. I'd love to have that rifle back.
Blkram":1y7626rl said:
Must be the difference of my younger years, that there are so many rifles that I would still,like to own or build. Not sure if I can picture myself not wanting or needing another rifle. Yet!

I realized after I started this post that I had forgotten to list the Remington Model 7 Custom MS in 250-3000 or 35 Remington.

:grin: Ya, when I was younger, I had a whole list of rifles I "needed." Ha! I've got far more rifles than I need. And more than I want actually. Would actually be quite happy with:

.22 long rifle for small game, varmint & target practice/plinking

5.56mm AR-15 because they're FUN and useful. Doubles as an excellent coyote rifle.

.25-06 Rem 700 for deer & antelope hunting
(insert the light-recoiling, flat shooting, accurate rifle of your choice)

.30-06 Rem 700 Or "something bigger" for bear, elk, and what-have you

And an honest to goodness target rifle in any number of cartridges. Something I can use for competition, or just to hone my skills. My .308 Win/Rem 700 has been filling that role for 20+years and several barrels now.

So... Five rifles would do the job, quite nicely, for me.

Regards, Guy
FOTIS":3gy8slnc said:
I can not believe I am saying this but none. I have everything I need/want and then some!

Fotis, are you OK?

Quick, someone get this man a link to Gun Broker!

M48 in 28 Nosler
S&W 629 2.3" barrel 44 Rem Mag

I think I have most of what I want, and way more than I need. I'm still dazzled by the M70 Super Grade in .280 I snagged a few weeks back and just haven't been wanting anything...but I am prone to sudden attack of gottahavititis. One rifle that might induce such an attack is an H&R 317 Ultra in .222 Remington (not positive on that model number) like my uncle had for a while. It was, I believe, built on a Sako Vixen action and had rifling much like Marlin Micro-Groove, and it was very accurate. And there's always the chance I could run across another Model 70 that strikes my fancy. Model 70s were at first for me familiar and nice rifles, then a desire, and then something like a habit---and are now becoming an obsession!
I'm not really sure why, but I have my eye on a Remington 740 in .244 Remington that I ran across in a local pawn shop. It sure is a cool looking old gun. All original, no modifications. I think it might be a perfect hog shootin iron with a 4x scope.
I can think of 2 rifles I would be interested in, maybe 4.

-would love to own a double rifle probably in .375 H&H, wouldn't mind something smaller but figure with the right stock i'd work up a load and go hunting just not shoot it often

-a nice lever action, something that would work for bear, maybe 45-70 the one I shot was enjoyable

the two that would just be random passing thoughts:

-ruger boat paddle, not a fancy/pretty rifle but has it's intrigue. just guessing no way to shorten LOP and really no need for another rifle for me

-ruger precision- one that I like the looks, versatility, but no where for me to really stretch its legs and let it go for a good distance so not worth paying extra for a long range set-up that won't get used past 200 yards
Ruger precision rifle in 6.5 creedmoor.

And I want an IWI X95 so bad I can taste it.

But I have 2 rifles that need glass first.So will be awhile.
Anything P64 for this guy..

A P64 Supergrade would be pretty danged cool though.

Now a P64 7x57, not saying I wouldn't keep adding rifles, but that would simmer me down for a little while.
Guy Miner":3gib2rl0 said:
Blkram":3gib2rl0 said:
Must be the difference of my younger years, that there are so many rifles that I would still,like to own or build. Not sure if I can picture myself not wanting or needing another rifle. Yet!

I realized after I started this post that I had forgotten to list the Remington Model 7 Custom MS in 250-3000 or 35 Remington.

:grin: Ya, when I was younger, I had a whole list of rifles I "needed." Ha! I've got far more rifles than I need. And more than I want actually. Would actually be quite happy with:

.22 long rifle for small game, varmint & target practice/plinking

5.56mm AR-15 because they're FUN and useful. Doubles as an excellent coyote rifle.

.25-06 Rem 700 for deer & antelope hunting
(insert the light-recoiling, flat shooting, accurate rifle of your choice)

.30-06 Rem 700 Or "something bigger" for bear, elk, and what-have you

And an honest to goodness target rifle in any number of cartridges. Something I can use for competition, or just to hone my skills. My .308 Win/Rem 700 has been filling that role for 20+years and several barrels now.

So... Five rifles would do the job, quite nicely, for me.

Regards, Guy

Guy, I agree with you about the five rifles, my mix is a little different, but----right now I have 7, but plan to sell the 45/70 and 7mm ism and use the money to get another 348 and then I will have

275 H/H
300 H/H
375 H/H

and two 348 I like the 348 and if something happens to one, I will have another one ready to work.

so, caliber wise, in my world there is nothing I can not hunt with those four calibers
An excellent mix of cartridges, Cheyenne. They will stand you in good stead in the Yukon.