Barrel spec recommendations


Feb 5, 2022
Just picked up a Ruger #1 V Stainless/Laminated in 204 Ruger. I purchased it with plans of replacing the barrel with a 308 . Going to keep the varmit profile. Question is barrel length and twist, plan on shooting 150-180 grain bullets. Not going suppressed so I don’t need a short barrel and weight is not a major concern since I hunt on my own property and don’t have to walk more than 1/4 mile. So give me some thought on length and twist. Thanks.


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I'll second what JD338 said and add that if you have not decided on a barrel make yet, seriously consider Shilen's Ratchet Rifling. I have several now in different calibers and chamberings. Have never had a barrel clean as easily, maybe it's really a lack of fouling to begin with. As for Accuracy none better in my experience either and that includes several other High End/Custom makers.
While a 22 or 24" barrel makes a lot of sense for you, depending upon contour, I would also adjust length to provide proper balance for your finished rifle. While balance may not be as important to someone who shoots off a rest all the time, it is important should you need to shoot offhand at a buck as you wander your property, or encounter one to/from your stand or blind. It will also affect how it carries, whether over your shoulder, or in your hands.
As to twist, choose as appropriate to your chosen bullet of choice, and the weight dependent upon the big game animal that you will predominately hunt with this rifle.
10 or 11 is a good choice , but depends on needed velocity per distance with specific bullets will have you deciding. 12 seems to slow unless 168's and under for the majority. 11 can get you upto 185's depending on bullet lengths (mostly not for targets). 10 should get most up to 210's (except for target types). I have an 11t that's good for 175-185grs at least for my altitude and temps
I was messing around with the Sierra 220 gr RN in the 308 Win. The 22" barrel 1:10" twist turned in impressive speed and accuracy, even on the 250 yard gong.



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GA Precision built me a .308 with a 26 inch Bartlein barrel, twist is at 1:11.25". I have shot from 150 to 178 grains very well out of this rifle. I currently shoot the 178 ELD-M's out to 800 yards on steel for giggles, a hair under 2700 fps. Prints around 3 inch groups at that distance on a good day. It's a great bullet for hunting as well. I ran out of 168 Nosler Ballistic Tips prior to using the 178's. The 168's shoots like a dream, but still have a large stash of 150, and 165 Ballistic Tips. Recent pic of a target @ 200 yards and 3 shots with 168 Ballistic Tips / Varget. That group gave me grins.


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GA Precision built me a .308 with a 26 inch Bartlein barrel, twist is at 1:11.25". I have shot from 150 to 178 grains very well out of this rifle. I currently shoot the 178 ELD-M's out to 800 yards on steel for giggles, a hair under 2700 fps. Prints around 3 inch groups at that distance on a good day. It's a great bullet for hunting as well. I ran out of 168 Nosler Ballistic Tips prior to using the 178's. The 168's shoots like a dream, but still have a large stash of 150, and 165 Ballistic Tips. Recent pic of a target @ 200 yards and 3 shots with 168 Ballistic Tips / Varget. That group gave me grins.
Is the third shot under the penny?
Nice shooting buddy!

I was messing around with the Sierra 220 gr RN in the 308 Win. The 22" barrel 1:10" twist turned in impressive speed and accuracy, even on the 250 yard gong.

I played around with the 220 RN in my 308 last year , just not as good as yours. My Vanguard has a 1:12 twist and that may have been a factor.
I played around with the 220 RN in my 308 last year , just not as good as yours. My Vanguard has a 1:12 twist and that may have been a factor.
I have not played with any heavier bullets past 178 grains in mine, which heavyweight bullet would you suggest with the 11.25 twist that I should try?
I have not played with any heavier bullets past 178 grains in mine, which heavyweight bullet would you suggest with the 11.25 twist that I should try?
I would think you could use 200 gr bullets.
A RN design would be better suited.

A Ruger Number One!

Very cool. The falling block is much shorter than a bolt action so a 24" or even 26" barrel doesn't result in a long rifle.

I love the 308 and the 30-06... With a single shot, I think I'd prefer the 30-06... Why not? More suds with the heavy bullets. Yes, a 30-06 can be superbly accurate too, or can be loaded down to 308 performance. But there's nothing wrong with a 308 Winchester either.

My 1:12 twist 308 has done great with 110 - 180 grain bullets. Nothing special needed for loads.

My 30-06's are all 1:10 twist and have no problem with the 200's, the long 212 Hornady ELD-X, the 220's... Most 30 cal bullets except the very long & heavy long-range bullets being produced in recent years.

I'd go with a 24" 1:10 twist no matter if you select 308 Win or 30-06.

Good luck with your project! It's great to see another Number One on this forum. There's a lot of love for Ruger single shots here.

Regards, Guy
Decision 2025 is in !!!
After consideration and some research I have made a barrel decision. Going with a 26 inch Varmit contour since that is what the rifle currently has and a 1:10 twist. After Guy’s comment I went to the safe and pulled a few #1’s and lined them up for a look. The 26 in barrel looked the best. 24 and under looked fat and stubby. Thanks for all the input.
I have a small collection of Ruger #1s with A,B, S,H and V represented. Still haven't for the RSI I liked at a price I was willing to pay.
The #1A has a 22" barrel with muzzle light feel that makes shooting difficult as it's hard to hold the rifle steady in some hunting situations.
The #1B model comes with a 26" barrel and while a bit weighty handles quite well.
The S models I have are all 26" and are the version I like best.
The 45-70 has a 22" barrel. Not sure where it goes in the scheme of things. I've heard them called S models and H models depend on the year made.
The H tropicals all have 24" barrels.
The V has a 22" barrel that is like a heavy truck axle and is the heaviest #1 in weight that I own. It's chambered to the .223 Rem.
And as someone may ask, yes, I have and do hunt with them.
Paul B.