150gr Accubond LR vs Maine Moose?

35 Whelen

Dec 22, 2011
Just a quick update on the AccuBond LR and how they actually
Perform on game. Here as a picture of our first Moose hunter this season
Kris Kelly from Harrisburg Pa. We encountered the toughest conditions I have
Ever experienced here are the temps we had to hunt in: Mon/87, Tues 88, Wed 91
Thursday 76 degrees....
Anyway the bulls around here would not open their mouths! So late yesterday afternoon when this
Little fella, (38")strolled out at "365 yards", and turned broadside with only 2 hrs left in his hunt. He launched a 150gr Nosler LR at him, from my Tikka 270 Win, and it connected in a classic , behind the shoulder shot that staggered him for a couple of seconds, and he never took a step before he toppled over. He made a great shot and was elated he got one considering the horrible conditions! I did not recover the bullet but rest assured the AccuBond gets it done! Moose weighed 782 dressed out on the digital scales. Both his shooting and the bullet performed perfectly!IMG_1113.PNG
That’s excellent. Was it out of the 270 Win, Wby or WSM?

Did it blow through E or just get hung up in something?

Congrats to the hunter, looking forward to seeing the picture. Sounds like a great shot was put on him.
35 Whelen":6o2wj7qm said:
Just a quick update on the AccuBond LR and how they actually
Perform on game. Here as a picture of our first Moose hunter this season
Kris Kelly from Harrisburg Pa. We encountered the toughest conditions I have
Ever experienced here are the temps we had to hunt in: Mon/87, Tues 88, Wed 91
Thursday 76 degrees....
Anyway the bulls around here would not open their mouths! So late yesterday afternoon when this
Little fella, (38")strolled out at "365 yards", and turned broadside with only 2 hrs left in his hunt. He launched a 150gr Nosler LR at him, from my Tikka 270 Win, and it connected in a classic , behind the shoulder shot that staggered him for a couple of seconds, and he never took a step before he toppled over. He made a great shot and was elated he got one considering the horrible conditions! I did not recover the bullet but rest assured the AccuBond gets it done! Moose weighed 782 dressed out on the digital scales. Both his shooting and the bullet performed perfectly!
Very nice, he's going to taste great. Who thought a 270 Win could be so effective on something as big as a moose ;)
Gerry, I guess O'Conner knew what he was talking about all the time ! :lol: The 150gr ABLR bullet really worked great!
And I am thinking as the years roll by we will hear a lot more, about how effective the AccuBond work on Moose and Elk
Scotty, it did not exit but is over on the offside somewhere and he obviously took every ounce of energy a .270
packs. And it was way to much for him, as the moment he fired this bull reacted by weaving for a couple of secs and then his backend slumped out from underneath him, and went down to the ground, followed by his front end, tipping over a half second later! One shot from the little .270 well placed with the correct bullet at 365 yards folded him up like a cheap suit. If you have 2nd thoughts about the old .270 not shooting heavy enough bullets for a Moose or Elk. You may want
to rethink that over ??? :wink: This Nosler AccuBond bullet is just the ticket, for them. We are very impressed with the performance at long range .
and will certainly be recommend it to folks in the future.
We actually had three much older , bulls picked out for him but under the circumstances we had to take what we could. He was fully aware how poor the conditions were, having hunted here 7 times with us, he told me the first nite in camp, he was shooting the " first bull moose" he saw. And he did! Here is a picture of the bull we were actually hopeful he would have had a crack at, this photo taken a few days before the season opened. This is a 900/1000 lb Bull with around a 55" spread that
Has nice width of palm on each side with " Alaskan Style" frontals that are Webed left side frontal having 5 points and right has 6. He will have 25/30 total and is a dandy bull about anywhere.IMG_0998.JPG He is still right there!
That heat was awful! Great report! Kudos the Kris on a well placed shot!

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That bull you show would have been a fine animal anywhere, E. Yeah, the .270 will do in a pinch. I don't carry a .270, but I have carried a .280 for years, and it accounted for a good number of animals. My 270 WSM slings 130 grain E-Tips at not much more than what one would get from a .270 Win, and it has accounted for a good number of moose and elk. I have no doubt that any good premium bullet launched from the .270 Win will work very well, indeed.
Would you share your load data on the 150 ABLR? I also have Nosler M48 270 win wanting to try the 150's. Loaded up a few this morning using H4831sc. Going to range in the morning to give them a try.
That load was just 58 gr of RL 26 and I have not chronographed it, but am guessing it's probably in the
2850 fps velocity out of a 24" tube. I have no experience with the Accubonds on Deer sized game However from
What I saw on this Moose, I would venture a guess they will pass right thru a 200lb medium, so I would
NOT think they would work as well as the Ballistic Tip for smaller stuff. But that's just a guess.
Below is one of the guides here, that got this 541 lb blackie about 2 hrs ago!Resized952017093095135651.jpg
Here it in the truckResized95201709309510431795001.jpg
A great specimen of eastern bruins, E. Excellent animal. I didn't see a single bear this morning. Another day coming up.
Very nice bear, when I had hounds I used Plotts they would pull hair on a bear that wouldn't climb a tree.
Great work and congratulations! Shot placement and a well constructed bullet will get it done every time. Lucky the bull didn’t know it was only a 270 Win or he’d have probably kept on going! All jokes aside, below is one of my all time favorite articles written by Ross Seyfried about our ol’ pal the 270 Winchester. I figured some of you might enjoy reading it.
https://www.gunsamerica.com/blog/ross-s ... gnum-myth/
As we grow older, some of us actually become wise. I've loved my .280 for many years, and it is still the one rifle that will "git 'er done." I like rifles, but some are best left with the guys who need the blast and fury.