Thank You Guy,I missed this recall.I called Hodgdon today and left a message,so I'm waiting to hear back.I had some A4064 and A4350 from the 2020 recall.I was paid back for that powder.I had more A4350,when I saw your post I thought I better check,because the last time the recall came before Western Powder was acquired by Hodgdon.All the A4350 powder I have is indeed within the recall lot numbers.I have never had an issue with the A4350 powder,but one of my friends did last month on some ammo I loaded in 2020.It was what I thought could have been from the first recall.He shot some and a case blew out.I noticed some corrosion near the blowout in the picture.I told him don't shoot anymore of it.I had an issue with the A4064 being so corrosive,it ate through the brass case.I have always made it a habit of writing on each case with a sharpie so it makes it easy to positively identify what that cartridge is loaded with.The three pictures from the in side of the case,was ammo loaded last year,that I pulled the bullets and dumped the powder.The powder wouldn't fall out of the case.I had to break it loose to get it out.The powder gets kinda damp when it gets bad.The brass cases where clean and new.You can clearly see the corrosion setting in.This ammo was stored indoors in controlled temperatures.I had read ammo that is exposed to extreme heat,like inside of a closed vehicle,can speed up the powder deterioration.
A4350 Recall.jpga4064.jpgA4064 2.jpgWIN_20250128_16_21_45_Pro.jpgWIN_20250128_16_26_37_Pro.jpgWIN_20250128_16_29_26_Pro.jpg
Thank You Guy,I missed this recall.I called Hodgdon today and left a message,so I'm waiting to hear back.I had some A4064 and A4350 from the 2020 recall.I was paid back for that powder.I had more A4350,when I saw your post I thought I better check,because the last time the recall came before Western Powder was acquired by Hodgdon.All the A4350 powder I have is indeed within the recall lot numbers.I have never had an issue with the A4350 powder,but one of my friends did last month on some ammo I loaded in 2020.It was what I thought could have been from the first recall.He shot some and a case blew out.I noticed some corrosion near the blowout in the picture.I told him don't shoot anymore of it.I had an issue with the A4064 being so corrosive,it ate through the brass case.I have always made it a habit of writing on each case with a sharpie so it makes it easy to positively identify what that cartridge is loaded with.The three pictures from the in side of the case,was ammo loaded last year,that I pulled the bullets and dumped the powder.The powder wouldn't fall out of the case.I had to break it loose to get it out.The powder gets kinda damp when it gets bad.The brass cases where clean and new.You can clearly see the corrosion setting in.This ammo was stored indoors in controlled temperatures.I had read ammo that is exposed to extreme heat,like inside of a closed vehicle,can speed up the powder deterioration.
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Wow , that’s not good.
I received an email from Hodgdon this morning.I sent them pictures of the lot numbers on the containers, along with other pictures of the corrosion of the broken down ammo.They sent me a release form to date and sign and will be sending me a reimbursement check.The powder I have was bought "after" the recall was originally announced by Western Powders,so I never gave it too much thought to even check the powder I had.So I was sold recalled powder.It took years for the powder I have to go bad,but when the powder goes bad,it goes bad quick.I shot a lot of this powder and never had an issue.Six months ago the powder was fine.I don't like to keep a lot of loaded ammo on hand,so I guess that's a good thing.All the cartridges I broke down did have deteriorated powder and corrosion inside the case.The ones that were loaded the longest time were certainly worse inside.Another thing was,the cases I used powdered graphite on the inside of the necks when loaded,the bullets all pulled easy.I had a few I pulled on some older loads before I used graphite that had to be seated deeper to break the bond before I could pull the bullets.Thank You Guy once again for your post.I almost loaded some ammo with this powder the other day.In the containers the powder still looks good,but it had picked up a slight acidic smell.
I've been out of the bulk buying business for some time, I guess. All my Accurate Powders are note as being marketed from Miles City, MT or McEwan, TN. My IMR 4007 SSC is from before Hodgdon took over marketing. I'd be glad to sell it back to Hodgdon, but...:rolleyes:😈
The powder that I have was all made in Canada.I shot up almost all of one of the 8 pounders and never had any problems.It just went bad in the last few months.I set some of it on fire and it all burned,but seemed to burn rather slow.
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