PSA prostrate health.


Ammo Smith
Dec 13, 2013
Back in October our Son in Law lost a bet with our daughter. Three of her former college roommates are physicians and had commented on the significant increase in colon cancer in young men. The dutiful Son in law, 45 years old, made an appointment for a colonoscopy. He woke up and was told he needed surgery immediately. Following surgery, a large tumor and lymph nodes were removed, the biopsy showed the cancer had spread beyond what had been removed. Diagnosed at stage 4. More surgery is indicated. But first was six weeks of radiation. Inconvenient to say the least. Boise is 2 1/2 hours and two mountain passes away. The kids would leave Sunday night or early Monday morning and spend five days in Boise. SIL would undergo radiation treatment every day then come home on the weekends. We managed the farm, animals and the Grand Daughter. More surgery is indicated and the kids will travel to Seattle this week for a second opinion on surgery and continuing care. He is done with the radiation and has started daily Kemo treatments. One day per week in Boise and self administered kemo tablets every day at home.
Cancer sucks.
Long story short, us older guys know the drill, you younger guys better pay attention. There are numerous articles out there on colon cancer and the increase in the 40 some year olds. Get checked before you wake up at 45 with stage 4 cancer and die before your dad.
Don , my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family . cancer is awful . prostate cancer is what took my Dad . I'm a survivor of prostate cancer . I hope your SIL is also a survivor . 🙏
Don very sorry to hear about this and my prayers go out for him on a full and quick recovery.
Cancer when caught at an early stage can be curable unfortunately stage four is pure hell for those who face the treatments.
Young men in their 30's should start getting regular checkups and me doing so probably saved my life. I had acid reflux and was diagnosed with esophageal pre cancer after an endoscopy which led to a colonoscopy.
I have had regular checkups since the first one and yeah it doesn't sound nice, and the prep is really the worse part but it's the only way to detect pre colon cancer.
Prayers for your son in law. That sucks to say the least. Most of us have lost friends or family to cancer. It's a SOB!
My stepson was a stubborn cuss. He complained of a lower back pain in his early twenties but refused to see a doctor. He was into bodybuilding big time and thought the pains was a strained back or something. It never went away and he still refused to seek medical aid. His boss liked him and sent him out of state to be trained to do paintless dent repair and he was good enough that he got loaned out to most of the dealerships in town. His employer has started a new policy that his employees get a physical exam one a year so like it or not he had to see a doctor. Turned out the pain in his back was prostate cancer and it had mestatisized throughout his entire body and bones., stage 4, terminal. The doc gave him 6 months. Well he lasted almost two full years before that cancer got him and it wasn't pretty.

On the other hand, I've had prostate cancer, skin cancer and recently colon cancer. and beat all three. Now I have that crap in my liver and pancreas. That stuff just won't leave me alone. In a few days they're gonna try a new treatment that frankly I'm not looking forward to having.The treatment lasts for 8 moths and is dne once every two months. They infused a highly radioactive substance nto me and I have to isolate myself for three days completely away from people then do te 6 fot social distance bit the rest o the two month period until the next infusion when it starts all over again. kt'll be complete with all the symptoms of radiation poisoning with the nausea and vomiting. Oh what fun. Where it gets interesting is the treatment is a bit over $100K but the company making the stuff will cover all but $25.00 of the cost of treatment. I'm thinking this is something of an experimental nature because nobody and no company will eat $100K out of the goodness of their heart. Methinks 2025 is gonna be one hell of an interesting and bumpy ride.
Paul B.
My stepson was a stubborn cuss. He complained of a lower back pain in his early twenties but refused to see a doctor. He was into bodybuilding big time and thought the pains was a strained back or something. It never went away and he still refused to seek medical aid. His boss liked him and sent him out of state to be trained to do paintless dent repair and he was good enough that he got loaned out to most of the dealerships in town. His employer has started a new policy that his employees get a physical exam one a year so like it or not he had to see a doctor. Turned out the pain in his back was prostate cancer and it had mestatisized throughout his entire body and bones., stage 4, terminal. The doc gave him 6 months. Well he lasted almost two full years before that cancer got him and it wasn't pretty.

On the other hand, I've had prostate cancer, skin cancer and recently colon cancer. and beat all three. Now I have that crap in my liver and pancreas. That stuff just won't leave me alone. In a few days they're gonna try a new treatment that frankly I'm not looking forward to having.The treatment lasts for 8 moths and is dne once every two months. They infused a highly radioactive substance nto me and I have to isolate myself for three days completely away from people then do te 6 fot social distance bit the rest o the two month period until the next infusion when it starts all over again. kt'll be complete with all the symptoms of radiation poisoning with the nausea and vomiting. Oh what fun. Where it gets interesting is the treatment is a bit over $100K but the company making the stuff will cover all but $25.00 of the cost of treatment. I'm thinking this is something of an experimental nature because nobody and no company will eat $100K out of the goodness of their heart. Methinks 2025 is gonna be one hell of an interesting and bumpy ride.
Paul B.
keep your head up and fight the fight. You've been battle tested for certain. Thoughts and wishes. Ben
Well damn Paul, keep fighting. I was hoping we could go shooting when I'm in Tucson, I'd settle for a cup of coffee if you're able. We had planned on being down right after elk season, we hope to be down next week if things stabilize for the Kids. Well had back home first of April to help with the farming.
Well damn Paul, keep fighting. I was hoping we could go shooting when I'm in Tucson, I'd settle for a cup of coffee if you're able. We had planned on being down right after elk season, we hope to be down next week if things stabilize for the Kids. Well had back home first of April to help with the farming.
Well, give me a shout when you hit town. Only thing that might get in the way id doctor appointments. My coffee might be a bit nasty but it's good.
Paul B.
Paul Sorry to hear of your recurring cancer, that treatment doesn't sound like a lot of fun, good luck with it and you have my prayers for full recovery.
That's really tough. Prayers sent.

When I went in for my last colonoscopy I asked if they also looked at the prostate. They said no, that's the Urologist's Job.
Well, give me a shout when you hit town. Only thing that might get in the way id doctor appointments. My coffee might be a bit nasty but it's good.
Paul B.
If the kids return from Seattle with no immediate changes to the treatment plan we hope to head south on Monday. Weather permitting we should be in Tucson late Tuesday. I’ll reach out late next week. Plan to be in town for 2 months so there will be plenty of time to get together.