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  1. J

    Having a rifle AI

    I've got a Rem 700 varmint in 22-250AI and a CZ 602 in 375 ICL Kodiak that is similar to an Ackley. However, I bought both as is and didn't realize that they were intentionally headspaced to 0.004 difference for fireforming. Pretty inpressive difference for very little change in diamensions...
  2. J

    Hunting Ethics Column?

    Not meaning to contradict you JDMAG, but I was refering to the same thing as you were. "Posting discussions that perhaps are not suitable for open broadcast on the net". It would indeed have to be filtered or we'd become just another place guys go to build up their ego by flaming other people...
  3. J

    Hunting Ethics Column?

    I will agree that this may not be the place for a case by case diasection of hunting ethics. I remember a certain thread that resulted in alot of flaming last season and have no wish for a repeat(the only time I've seen it on here). As well, I have alot of respect for the members of this forum...
  4. J

    Hunting Ethics Column?

    I'd say it could be summed up in a basic 5-10 point list. 1: This is our heritage, treat the right to hunt with respect. Don't deface the sport. 2: Consider your game, learn about each species that you hunt and do your best to manage wildlife in a manner that will ensure years of hunting and...
  5. J

    Hunting Ethics Column?

    This is for sure a "hot potato". I'd say it needs to be discussed, but one needs to realize some distictions. There are instances on the farm where it isn't really hunting, but pest control: coyotes or crop damaging deer, elk and black bear. And there are instances where the freezer needs meat...
  6. J

    Dog Down!

    The exit hole is pretty low, but we were on a decent hill, the entrance is 4 inches above the center of the ribs. I was a bit suprised that I hit dead on point of aim, the rifle is sighted for 250yds and it was at a fair angle. I expected an inch or two lower. JT.
  7. J

    Deer taken down by 17 HMR

    If I recall correctly some states prohibit firearms in personal light aircraft altogather and some still may allow a rimfire or shotgun in places like Alaska for survival. That is why I offered that as a possiblity. In any case, check regulations and don't take my word for it. JT.
  8. J

    Dog Down!

    This coyote was foolish enough to hang around 100m from my brother and I. 7STW, 160Accubond @3000FPS. JT
  9. J

    Deer taken down by 17 HMR

    You may find it amusing, but most wild animals are dangerous game when they are wounded and fighting to survive. Have some respect for you quarry. IF it was a matter of survival a 17 would have to work(ie plane crash or similar), but for sport hunting use something adequate. JT.
  10. J


    As far as guns, in Canada we are not able to buy some North American products. We do have Dlask Arms in Ontario that is currently producing AR's, and they are a fine product, but expensive. Other items are knocked off and not restricted from CHina like the M14, but the NA made one is Prohibited...
  11. J

    Dog Down!

    POP, 416 wby $2300USD Brass $5 each projectile$4 Powder $0.75 Watching a yote absorb 6000ft/lbs, PRICELESS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: JT
  12. J

    Shoulder shooters?

    That 6X6 is on his wall with a neatly repaired cape, BTW.
  13. J

    Shoulder shooters?

    Half a deer in the freezer or hanging is worth more than a whole deer in woods feeding the coyotes. Hit them where they drop and shoot'em again if you've got to. You owe your quarry a clean kill. I used to be pretty good at tracking because I had time to track and was asked to recover alot of...
  14. J


    8mm-06 with heavy bullets sounds great, it would be a heavy hitter without a question. I always thought a 8mm-300win mag would make a great utility wildcat. Availible 8mm Mauser with a rechamber job, presto chango 325 winchester long mag, along with plentiful and cheap 300 win brass. Be a...
  15. J

    It took 4 years, but I got one.

    Of course, this is what left the vault to get the Sako into it.
  16. J

    It took 4 years, but I got one.

    Here it is. That is a VX III 4.5-14X40 AO on Sako high rings. Might have to ge shorter rings as it looks like it's on stilts, but it still comes up really nice. JT.
  17. J

    Went to the gun show with money in pocket.......

    I had a CZ 550 and have a zkk CZ 602. They take a 19mm dovetail ring if I recall correctly. CZ makes one and Leupold makes a better version of it. The CZ has a single screw going up vertically thro the base to hold the ring in place. IT isn't accessable without the bases comeing off and does...
  18. J

    The Modern Hunting Rifle.

    Compelled?? I beleive that the Bloc Quebecois is crying wolf for the most part, but many MP's and PM's find them compelling....... It's a d*m**d shame that this thought even surfaces in ones' mind. However, if the CPC(assuming they eventually get a majority) doesn't mend some fences that have...
  19. J

    I may have to eat crow

    The M70 is a great rifle, but much like violins and wine, better with age. I can't speak for the new ones, I've barely handled one & never fired one. I did own a couple of m70 Shadows, one a 7wsm and the a 25 Wssm. I no longer own either. The 7WSM shot well after some trigger work and load...
  20. J

    Jacket Wall Thickness Consistency (How Important it is)

    It's pretty hardnot to like that 0.640 BC. If you could keep us updated on whether or not that is accurate I'd be interested. I've had a box of them sitting on my bench since spring and have only fired about 10 of them. I haven`t had time to do more. JT.