When I was in AZ it was my 7REM. Never really chased 'Yotes, but I sure as hell drew down on one whenever I caught one doing stupid and let me get a shot off!
Some guys like Redheads, just because....
Some guys like Blondes, just because....
Either choice is going to be the 'Right' choice.
Just because, either will light up your world !
ES May be an indicator for Potential accuracy, however it is Not a guarantee. If you're not within a Node for your rifle you're chasing a ghost and wasting powder.
ES is simply telling you that statically each load is consistent. Has nothing to with the vibration pattern of the barrel.
One of the highest accolades I ever received was from a guide who was reminiscing one of our past hunts to a new group of camp nimrods on their 1st Boar. Tom was recounting the moment after my shot. He didn't see from my angle, but I knew d@mn well drilled the shot exactly thru the middle of...
I imagine it's a lot like trying to sneek up on a low country whitetail/pig/bear. Wind will kill any of your chances of ever even seeing one. If it's not in your face, or at least sideways, your screwed. QUIET boot soles.
Go so slow your feet hurt from just standing and listening.
Oh Yea...
Maybe a 90/200 straight wall that fits into Ohio's legal deer round legislation, and a 30/30 doesn't.
Or a 24/378 that works just peachy keen in Indiana, but God forbid a 35 Rem.
Looks good ! I hope you get better velocity with RL19 than I did. I had such high hopes, due to the Nosler load data. I loaded up to 50.0grs and didn't even break 2700 fps. As the acronyms go, YMMV !
I haven't found any since I moved to N. Ohio & I'm really Jonsing for a Linguica & Cheddar sandwich for breakfast. It looks like I'm going to have to do it the hard way if I can't find it anywhere else. SW GA on a pig hunt this fall.
Anyone have a fav recipe on how to make it ?
I remember that rifle from days gone by..... Never understood why the 30/30 wasn't offered in a bolt action by more manufacturers.
I'd say give the 125 BT a try. It's been given some pretty good reviews here, at velocities far faster than a 30/30. You have nothing to loose.
I actually used it...
Technology has changed things my friend ! Recoil withstanding, why would I still keep pouring 68gr of power into a 338 cartridge, to get a 200 gr bullet moving @ 2650fps when I can get the same speed, with the same bullet using only 48gr of powder ?
Super find, my friend ! The 35 Rem is an extremely under-rated cartridge. I had one, in a Marlin 336, and it flat out made holes in a deer that demanded respect !
Wound up not liking the 336 so much, for a number of reasons, and trading it for a 12' jon boat & trolling motor. My 5 yr old named...
Barrel torque is my 1st 'go-to' response. It's just a .22, so forget about using any type of hand grip on the forend of the stock. Rest the aft of the stock on something padded and shot it single handed. I do it all the time with my '08 class rifles when i'm trying to test my new reloads.
Seriously? Our fore-world population expanded at exponential rates eating wild game shot with bullets that were not PC correct for God knows how long.
Your AB's seem to be working just fine for you. My BT's work every time for me. Why change?
If you feel you have to go to a Mono, remember they...
That's a gimmy shot, hands down. Plant my a$$ in a tight sling sitting position & as soon as the cross hairs crossed one of those little snow flakes on his lower front shoulder ...Bang. 7/08 140gr Nosler......Cell Phone conversation...."DUDE !!! Get yer ass out here and help me drag this monster...
Mine is probably over 50 yrs old. It's a RCBS beam scale and I can still weigh down to the granule of powder. It's extremely sensitive, which can be frustrating at times, but once I have the powder thrower dialed in, it's crank 'em out time.
Yep, Greenhead nailed it. The wallet may take a hit on the one time purchase of your pet stuff, but it sure is fun to have what you need, on hand, when supplies get scarce. SPS saw a BIG portion of my paycheck last year......but I'm Golden for many moons to come!
The only load I have any experience with, in this combo, is Varget, sorry.
I went on a WY antelope hunt a couple years ago and wanted to take my brand new Ruger RA 308 as backup. One trip to the range, with only 3 different charges of Varget (time crunch) and I found a perfectly good...