130 Accubond 6.5 Creedmoor Hoyt-6190


Apr 5, 2014
Some results with some 130 AccuBond.
This little Savage isn't a tack driver, nor is the shooter. The lighter loads were loaded for my grandsons.
This afternoon I added some more H4350 to the load.
While not consistent, it did go under an inch with one group so keeping the shooter and gun in mind, there might be some possibility there.

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darrelldavies51":3bzul6tf said:
Do you use vit powder

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No sir I sure do not. Dr Mike is the man in that area.
darrelldavies51":33r2n4lk said:
What do you use to reload your6.5x55

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RL26 and 7828SSC have been the two I have used the most.
Where in the world are you living and thanks for the info. What make an weigth bullet are you useing

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I live in the SE US. Mostly 140 class bullets. I did work with the 120-130 class bullets with H4895 as well. Can't seem to find anything the Swede doesn't devour.
Iam from England and having probs getting us powder it some thing to do with brexit an the eu can lonly get vit at the moment

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I'd assume the slow Vit powders like 560 or similar would be great in the Swede.
I load for the 6.5x55 swede. I use the 129 grain Hornady SST and the 129 grain Nosler ABLR. So far I am having the most success with Hodgdon H4350. I have heard that H4350 is the exact same powder as ADI AR2209 but not sure. I am getting .311" groups with the SST and .730" with the ABLR consistently. I have tried the Alliant powder and some other IMR and Hodgdon flavors but not getting as consistent groups. I am shooting a 3 year old HOWA 1500 in a Bell and Carlson stock.
I am waiting for mine to be deliverd its in laminated thumhole stock 1 in 8 twist 22"barrel

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Alderman-Thanks for the info I as well found some H4350 and shot my best loads out of the rifle so far with it. As you said its not a tack driver-yet. I do think what I have could work as a hunting load. The first two pictures are 41.5grs at 100 yards and the second is 41 grains. I'm not sure I want to go any lower to lose any more velocity.


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That’s definitely a great hunting load right there. Not sure what the speed is but the precision definitely counts.
Went out this morning and put some RL-17 behind the 130 AB. I'm thinking I will chronograph this load and should do for a hunting load.


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